
Provision of Tax Consultancy & External Audit Services as Per Public Audit Act 2003

Expression of Interest in the Provision of Tax Consultancy & External Audit Services as Per Public Audit Act 2003


Chemelil Sugar Company situated along Awasi – Nandi Hills road (55km from Kisumu) is seeking for the services of an independent Auditor for provision of Tax consultancy and External Audit services in the Financial Year ending 30th June 2011.


The overall objective will be to perform an audit to report on the true and fairness of the Financial Statement and Disclosures in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and advisory on tax compliance.

Further details regarding scope, evaluation criteria and specifi c tasks/requirements can be downloaded from Chemelil Sugar Company website www.chemsugar.co.ke upon which written Expression of Interest must be sent by 14th April 2011 or be deposited in a sealed envelope in the Tender Box located at the Company’s Administration Block