
Lesotho M & E Specialist

Pact is an international non-profit corporation whose mission is to build empowered communities, effective governments and responsible private institutions that give people an opportunity for a better life. We do this by strengthening the capacity of organizations and institutions to be good service providers, represent their stakeholders, network with others for learning and knowledge sharing, and advocate for social, economic and environmental justice. Interdependence, responsible stewardship, inclusion of vulnerable groups, and respect for local ownership and knowledge are core values across all of our programs.

In Lesotho, Pact is providing grants to improve community-based care and support services to People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and to implement prevention interventions in collaboration with NGOs, CBOs and FBOs with USAID's HIV/AIDS Program. Pact also provides partners with high-quality technical expertise to assist them in delivering effective programming, as well as capacity building services to increase their ability to provide HIV/AIDS services.

The overall objective of the HIV and AIDS Management activity of the Metolong Dam Water Supply Programme (MDWSP), funded by the World Bank, is to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on the communities affected by the MDWSP and the work force building and supporting the construction works. The key area of focus of the HIV and AIDS Management activity is to proactively engage local communities in education and prevention measures in anticipation of the influx of temporary workers while specific provisions on HIV and AIDS management addressing the workplace are included in construction specifications for contractors.

Phase I (i) Develop an Integrated HIV and AIDS Management Policy; (ii) Develop an Integrated HIV and AIDS Management Programme for the communities affected by activities of MDWSP; Phase II (iii) Implement, Monitor and Evaluate Implementation of the Integrated HIV and AIDS Management Programme (iv) Monitor and evaluate implementation of individual Contractors’ HIV and AIDS Management Plans

The M&E Specialist will play an integral part in both Phases I and II. The Specialist will design a Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation System/Framework, perform baseline assessment of HIV prevalence within the MDWSP areas, identify indicators and methodologies, monitor and evaluate the HIV and AIDS Management Plan and Programme, draft reports, analysis and final evaluation and assessment documents. In addition to the regular quarterly and semi-annual evaluation and monitoring reports, the Specialist will work to produce separate HIV and AIDS programme impact monitoring and evaluation reports documenting the impact monitoring and evaluation surveys carried out during mid-construction and post-construction.

Qualifications: • Bachelor degree in a field related to social research and at least 10 years of experience in M&E, out of which 4 years shall be in conducting assessments and surveys, proposal development, Programme design, selecting indicators, implementing monitoring plans, and data analysis in evaluation of HIV and AIDS Policy and Management Programmes. • The specialist shall be familiar with: (i) the logical framework approach and other M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory); (ii) planning and implementation of M&E systems; (iii) facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders; (iv) information analysis (using SPSS and Excel) and M&E report writing.
• The specialist shall also have a solid understanding of rural development, with a focus on participatory processes, joint management, and gender issues; • Previous Lesotho or SADC experience is required: Lesotho national is preferred.

Total project implementation will be carried out in two phases. Phase I of the services shall be completed within four calendar months of commencement of the services. Phase II of the services shall be carried out throughout the duration of the implementation of the HIV and AIDS Management Programme over 27 months period. The total service period is envisaged to be 31 months. Under Phase 2, it is envisaged that the Specialist will be deployed intermittently as his input is required. The M&E Specialist will be expected to contribute 5 man months towards the 31 months program.

To apply please visit Pact’s website and view our current openings: http://www.pactworld.org/cs/job_openings_list.

Note: This is a proposed position that is contingent upon award funding.