
Chief of Party - Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP) World Vision (WV)

Use your skills in large scale food aid management to be part of a leading organization dedicated to improving the lives of children living in poverty.
World Vision (WV) is a global network of people committed to enhance the well-being of children everywhere by empowering families and communities to overcome the challenges of poverty and injustice. This recruitment is subject to funding of a pending proposal in the area of Food Security, in Haiti. This is a five year assignment, contingent upon WV earning the DFAP grant award. The starting date is approximately July 1st, 2012.
World Vision (WV) is one of the largest implementing partners to the United States Agency for International Development/Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) and currently implements multi-sectoral food security programs in approximately 22 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America & the Caribbean. The total value of its food security portfolio is estimated at approximately $200 million per year. These programs are typically $25 to $80 million in value over a period of 3 to 5 years, although one year emergency programs are possible. WV is developing a grant application for a 5-year, multi-million Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP, formerly Multi-Year Assistance Program or “MYAP”) in Haiti. As such WV is soliciting applications from experienced candidates to serve as Chief of Party for this DFAP. The DFAP is likely to be an agriculture- and health/nutrition-focused food security program in several departments of Haiti.
The Chief of Party (COP) will have overall responsibility for the management of all program activities and staff. S/he will have principal responsibility for representing the program within Haiti to the United States Government (USG) and other stakeholders. The COP will be responsible for the activities and all long-term and short-term personnel under this grant. The COP shall have a keen understanding of the unique political in-country dynamics and will work carefully and collaboratively with the various political entities in Haiti. The COP should have a holistic understanding of international development, including FFP priorities and emerging trends and should embrace the shared USG/WV vision for the project and effectively manage available financial and human resources to make that vision a reality.
With a proven track record in a fast paced, complex and ideally global organisation, you will have a desire, motivated by your Christian faith, to help others and model ethics in line with the Christian foundations and ethos of the organisation.
The COP is charged with leading a professional team in the accomplishment of the program strategic objectives and intermediate results, in a complex implementation context. S/he must have a broad vision/strategy linked with a sound ability to get things done amid the constraints of the Haitian context. The COP has overall responsibility for managing DFAP activity planning and implementation, DFAP personnel and sub-grantee(s) and sub-contractor(s) in-country, monitoring & evaluation (M&E) efforts, commodities (including monetization and direct distribution logistics), and finance. S/he is also responsible for ensuring the security, feasibility, and sustainability of the program under his/her supervision. The COP heads a management structure that represents the program to local USAID Mission and other in-country Cooperating Sponsors, international and national program/consortium partners, and the Government of Haiti (GOH) and its relevant line ministries, UN Agencies, and other stakeholders.
A minimum of five years of overseas international management experience, preferably in administering USAID and/or Food for Peace programs with at least two years experience overseeing USG food aid programs (Title II or USDA).
Ideal candidates would have an additional expertise (two years or more) in one or more of the following areas: Haiti’s food security programming, grants/compliance, food commodities/logistics, disaster risk management, and/or gender.
Experience as a COP or senior expert advisor also required.
Knowledge of and familiarity with U.S. Government international assistance program requirements, preferably USAID and/or other bilateral funding agencies is a must. Experience managing sub grants and contracts under grants for complex projects is necessary.
Demonstrated accomplishment in collaboration with host-country professionals, ministries and with donor colleagues in country.
The successful candidate will have exceptionally strong skills in financial and personnel management.
English and French (or, preferably, Haitian Creole) fluency is an absolute requirement for the post.
A Master’s degree in Agriculture, Health, Nutrition, Business, or another field directly related to the program summary above.
Will you use your experience in food aid to further “life in all its fullness” for children?
For specific details regarding the position, please, refer to the full description and apply online by the closing date of March 30, 2012, at:https://jobs.wvi.org/WebJobs.nsf/WebPublished/A037FB2C3FA291568825796E0032E022?OpenDocument
For more information on World Vision International, please visit our website: www.wvi.org . World Vision is an equal opportunity employer.