
Emergency Management Adviser AusAID Jakarta

The appointed Emergency Management Adviser will be seconded to the Emergency Management Division of BNPB. The position will lead AusAID’s engagement with BNPB on disaster response management, including providing immediate advice to BNPB following a natural disaster. The Advisor will complement other Australian assistance to Indonesia, such as the Australia Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR).
It is highly desired that the individual possesses knowledge of the Indonesia disaster risk management sector, including BNPB, the new legal and regulatory frameworks and other Government of Indonesia response systems as well as good understanding of AusAID programs, policies and systems.

For further information about the vacancy, including the detailed Duty Statement, Selection Criteria and steps on how to apply, please refer to Australian Embassy website at http://www.indonesia.embassy.gov.au/jakt/aboutus.html.

This position is being re-advertised. Candidates who have previously applied will be considered after the amended due date and do not need to re-submit their applications.

Only those applications that address the Selection Criteria
and are submitted in English will be accepted.