
Director - Economic Opportunities Making Cents International Washington, DC, United States

Making Cents International is a dynamic social enterprise that has been increasing economic opportunities in developing countries for more than twelve years. It is known as a source of quality technical services, and a thought leader in the economic growth arena. Its training, technical assistance, and knowledge management activities consistently try to improve the ability of target populations - especially youth, women, smallholder farmers, and vulnerable populations.

About the Job: 

Making Cents International is looking for a Director - Economic Opportunities. S/he will lead Making Cents International’s work in providing inclusive livelihood, workforce development, and entrepreneurship services to youth, women, and marginalized populations.

Tasks and Responsibilities: 

• Practitioner:
- Lead technical assignments in the practice area;
- Leverage Making Cents’ technical work to promote new opportunities;
- Contribute to technical approach of new business opportunities and proposals;
- Identify and articulate potential research and learning opportunities in the field for Making Cents to pursue;
- Develop database of practitioners/consultants in the practice area available for short and long-term assignments;
- Support curriculum development projects;
- Mentor Making Cents junior staff on assignments and other learning opportunities.

• Strategic:
- Refine vision for and lead implementation of Making Cents’ inclusive workforce development, enterprise and livelihoods practice strategy;
- Cultivate strategic partnership with key organizations and donors in the field;
- Promote Making Cents’ visibility in the field. Identify key conferences and speaking opportunities
- Develop plan to build Making Cents’ qualifications in the field;
- Identify key gaps in the field where Making Cents can grow it’s expertise.


• Advanced degree in Business, Economics, Marketing, International Relations/Development or equivalent experience;
• Minimum 10 years relevant work experience in workforce development, livelihoods, and enterprise development with a particular focus on serving youth, women and marginalized populations;
• Experience conducting technical assignments as team leader;
• Experience in responding to USAID and other key funder requests for proposals (RFAs and RFPs) and other solicitations;
• Practical experience developing and executing strategic plans;
• Practical experience working in international and intercultural environment in developing countries;
• Proficiency in English and a second widely used international language (French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, etc.);
• Valid US work permit required.

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