
Government of Afghanistan Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Capacity Building for Results Facility and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBR) now invites eligible Individual Consultant to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBR) Project, established in January 2012 for at least 5 years, aims to support the government’s effort to improve the capacity and performance of core line ministries responsible for national priority programs. The CBR project’s development objective is to assist the government in improving the capacity and performance of select line ministries in carrying out their mandates and delivering services to the Afghan people. This will be achieved through the implementation of specific capacity and institution building programs, which include systematic monitoring of and reporting on results. CBR is financed by the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), and facilitated by the World Bank. Capacity Building For Results Facility (CBR) Project Support Unit (based in Directorate General of Budget) of the Ministry of Finance would like to recruit qualified Project Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist with the following duties and responsibilities:
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant (IC) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Summary of Key Functions: • Within four weeks of his/her joining, develop a comprehensive M&E strategy for CBR, including a plan for data collection and analysis and develop a methodology in accordance to the project document. , • Help ministries to develop their results framework and assure that proper and realistic indicators for outputs and outcomes are included in their CBR application / proposal; • Review current method of data collection for results indicators used by each line ministry under CBR and provide inputs if required; • Assist and advise line ministry M&E departments? in data analysis, if needed; • Consolidate and analyze all the data and reports from line ministries; • Develop a standardized M&E reporting and data analysis systems for CBR; This will require coordination with the Independent Administrative Reform & Civil Service Commission, which will have responsibility for implementation and monitoring its project components working with MoF. • Verify and document progress towards deliverables, milestones and results for each CBR proposal; • Provide recommendation for evaluating the impact of specific CBR activities; • Develop M&E system for the MoF Project Support Unit (PSU); • Ensure maintenance of independence, accuracy, relevance, integrity, timeliness and professional standard of data collected through M&E system in Ministry of Finance, Independent Administrative Reform Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) and line ministries; • Ensure that he/she transfers knowledge and skills to other individuals, [including in the PSU, MoF, IARCSC, and potentially line ministries,] and to work effectively in a team; • Coordinate certain activities related to results with Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission.
Other Tasks: • Any other tasks and responsibilities assigned by direct supervisor.
How to apply:
Interested INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES should submit their updated application comprises your CV and a one-page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the advertised position.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (by e-mail) by January 15, 2013.
Project Support Unit - MoF Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBR) Attn: Sayed Ibrar Hashimi, Procurement Officer 4th Floor, Directorate General Budget Ministry of Finance Tel: +93 (0) 787 714 605 E-mail: cbr.vacancies@budgetmof.gov.af