
World Vision Director of Advocacy and Justice for Children

WV EUREP - World Vision Brussels & EU Representation

Brussels, Belgium


The job holder will contribute to the optimal functioning of World Vision Brussels & EU Representation (hereafter referred to as WV EUREP) and to the achievement of its strategic objectives of: 
(a) representing and amplifying in Brussels the voice of vulnerable children and communities and of the World Vision partnership; 
(b) developing robust and sustainable relationships with the EU, other European level institutions and other stakeholders of strategic importance; 
(c) being recognised as a legitimate and credible civil society actor in Europe;
(d) influencing relevant policy and practice globally and within EU and its institutions; and 
(e) through all the above achieving demonstrable change towards the realization of World Vision’s Child Well Being Aspirations.

Job context

  • WV EUREP is an international non-profit association constituted and registered in Belgium. Its membership includes World Vision organisations in EU member states and World Vision International;
  • WV EUREP is one of the key ‘Global Capitals’ offices of World Vision international, established in places where issues are discussed and decisions are taken that are of global significance and importance to all of World Vision’s work across the globe;
  • WV EUREP supports the work of the international partnership of World Vision. Specifically, it enables member organisations and the partnership as a whole to work more effectively with the EU institutions in terms of resource development and in terms of influencing policies that reduce poverty and promote justice in the developing world;
  • WV EUREP initiates policy dialogue, and policy lobbying with EU institutions on behalf of and in consultation with members on issues relevant to WV's operations and facilitates contacts between World Vision entities and the EU institutions.
In this context, WV EUREP also coordinates the work the European Advocacy Group (EAG), bringing together policy and advocacy managers of member organisations. This group specifically deals with coordinating World Vision’s policy and advocacy work towards the EU.

Reporting lines

The Director for Advocacy and Justice for Children in the WV EUREP team will report directly to the EU Representative & Executive Director of the Brussels office, with a ‘dotted line’ reporting responsibility to World Vision International’s Partnership Leader for Advocacy and Justice for Children.

Key responsibilities

Key responsibilities of the Director for Advocacy and Justice for Children are divided in 4 ‘baskets’:

A. Leadership of a team 
B. Internal consultation, coordination and collaboration 
C. Working within European civil society 
D. External representation and lobby

Detailed responsibilities per ‘basket’

A. Leadership of a team
  • Lead a team totalling 3-5 policy officers, trainees and/or interns through inspiring ‘leadership by example’ and continuous counselling and capacity building;
  • Develop, continuously update and lead the implementation of the World Vision Brussels & EU Representation strategy on policy and advocacy, a multi-year work plan and detailed annual work plans;
  • Prioritise, coordinate and supervise the work of the members of the team, including the optimal engagement of this team in contributing to or leading the work of civil society platforms in Brussels to which World Vision is affiliated.
B. Internal consultation, coordination and collaboration
  • Conduct timely and adequate consultation and coordination with relevant actors within World Vision (lines of ministry, communities of practice, subject matter experts, national or regional offices) to ensure maximum alignment of advocacy priorities and messages/positions of the Brussels office towards the EU with those of the global World Vision International partnership, while at the same time taking account of specific needs and calendars dictated by specific EU policy processes;
  • Ensure that policy and advocacy actions by the Brussels office are fully in compliance with protocols and standards set by the World Vision International partnership;
  • Ensure that advocacy towards the EU is evidence-based, nourished by the practical experience and expertise of World Vision in the field and that feedback on that advocacy is fed back to the field;
  • Participate in and actively contribute to relevant global or regional World Vision meetings, conferences, fora and other gatherings focusing on policy and advocacy issues;
  • Facilitate the continuous interaction of a European Advocacy Group (EAG), bringing together the persons responsible for policy and advocacy in European offices of World Vision and convene regular meetings of this group.
C. Working within European civil society
  • Contribute to and – where necessary and relevant – assume leadership responsibility in the work of relevant civil society platforms and groups such as CONCORD, CRAG, EPLO, VOICE and others;
  • Reach out when required to non-traditional partners and stakeholders, such as academics, think tanks and the private sector at the European level in order to strengthen the potential impact of the policy and advocacy work of World Vision.
D. External representation and lobby
  • Represent World Vision and its policy and advocacy messages towards stakeholders in the EU, civil society, academia and media, and in conferences, seminars and other public events;
  • Conduct respectful lobbying, verbally and in writing, towards European decision makers on the issues at the heart of the policy work of World Vision around the world.

Candidate profile

Please note that in view of the very frequent interaction with EU officials, a candidate with the nationality of one of the EU member states will be preferred.

1. Education, knowledge and experience: 
  • Preferably holding a Master’s degree or higher in Politics, International Relations, Economics or a related field, or having equivalent experience;
  • A solid understanding of EU relief, rehabilitation and development aid and cooperation structures, procedures, funding mechanisms and policies, and of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international legal instruments laying down human rights;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in a comparable role in the field of development and/or humanitarian relief, within an international NGO, international ‘think tank’ or inside a relevant EU institution;
  • Experience in developing policies and in conducting lobby and advocacy, preferably also including key priority areas for World Vision (e.g. child health, nutrition, child protection);
  • Familiarity with working in a European multi-NGO environment on highly technical issues of inter-governmental and multi-lateral policy.
2. Personality and characteristics:
  • An engaging personality, articulate verbally and in writing, able to build up, expand, maintain and add value to personal and professional relationships externally and internally, across cultures;
  • Ability to work as ‘primus inter parens’ in a small team with the team’s interest foremost but with a clear leadership profile;
  • Self-motivated and disciplined, able to work autonomously, effectively managing time and able to handle complexity and pressure without undue stress;
  • Having full sympathy and respect for World Vision’s Christian identity and ethos;
  • Willingness to travel internationally when required (up to 20% of time).
3. Skills:
  • Excellent speaking, writing and editing skills in English and French; command of other EU languages will be an asset;
  • Excellent skills of communication, collaboration, networking, and relationship building; 
  • Innovative and creative thinking.

How to apply?

Interested candidates responding to the profile are requested to submit their CV under a cover letter to the attention of Ms. Mojgan Arfai, Head of Administration, Finances and HR, by e-mail using the e-mail address EULO-info@wvi.org.
Closing date for applications will be 21 April 2013. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Interviews of shortlisted candidates will be scheduled for the middle of May 2013.