
Utility And Sustainability Analyst - California State University

The Utility and Sustainability Analyst is the department's champion for organizing, analyzing and reporting energy, water and emissions data for the campus. The position tracks energy and water conservation metrics, and initiatives and aggressively pursues energy and water efficiency cofounding and incentive opportunities. The position oversights the analysis of facilities related utility data including energy, water, waste and related usage data, and prepares and submits reports in a variety of formats for various entities and organizations.

As the department's utility and sustainability champion, the position has a significant and influential role regarding building performance metrics and campus utility usage and is a key team member, contributing to decision making, and meeting key objectives for campus energy and water procurement and cost allocation strategies. The Analyst takes the lead in promoting facilities related energy demand side management and sustainability initiatives.
Website: http://csucareers.calstate.edu/Detail.aspx?pid=36350