
Finance and Audit Committee Members

CARE International UK is seeking to engage new members of the charity’s Finance and Audit Committee (FAC). FAC members play an important and essential role in the governance of the organisation. The committee meets on a quarterly basis to review the financial position of the organisation and to ensure that the organisation fulfils its statutory obligations in this area. We are looking for candidates that have solid senior level experience in finance, audit and risk management from one (or more) of these sectors:
• International Development sector finance and contracts specialists • Charity sector Finance Directors, and Directors of Fundraising (Preferred) • Private Sector, including entrepreneurs. • Government finance and contracts specialists • Management consultancy international development contracts specialists • Qualified accountancy background with an understanding of charity accounting SORP • International and contract Law
Along with other members of the Finance and Audit committee, to oversee CIUK’s compliance with the legal and financial requirements required of a company limited by guarantee, budgets and accounts before these are presented to the Board of Trustees. Also to consider the control framework and risk environment for the organisation.
To be a sounding board for the Director of Finance and to advise on organisational budgets and accounts before these are presented to the Board of Trustees. To work with other committee members and the Director of Finance to draw any major financial concerns to the attention of the Board of Trustees and Chief Executive. As part of the Finance and Audit committee monitor the reserves and risk management policies of CIUK.
Oversight of the portfolio of projects and programmes financed through CIUK. To oversee the performance of the Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management and to make sure that the organisations risk management processes and procedures are being utilised and are fit for purpose. Attend Finance and Audit Committee meetings on a quarterly basis in line with the terms of reference for the Finance and Audit Committee (attached).
Provide expert advice on new products and programmes where helpful.
How to apply:
If you are interested in this voluntary opportunity please visit our website athttp://www.careinternational.org.uk/jobs/current-vacancies