
Investigator - Manila, Philippines

The Need

Casework is a pillar of International Justice Mission’s work around the world. Investigators are on the front lines, managing networks of field operatives to uncover cases of trafficking and child sexual exploitation. IJM is currently seeking a skilled Investigator for a role in the Manila Field Office. The qualified candidate will build relationships with local police as an advocate who intervenes on the behalf of victims.
This position is based in Manila, the Philippines, requires occasional travel, and reports directly to the Director of Legal Intervention. We offer a competitive salary and medical and relocation benefits, and the position is available for immediate hire.


  • Develop a thorough working knowledge of relevant laws and criminal procedures regarding investigations as well as the modus operandi of sex traffickers in the project area;
  • Recruit and maintain a network of operatives and informants who provide reliable timely, and actionable information regarding cases of sex trafficking;
  • Properly strategize and conduct low profile pro-active investigations of trafficking incidents in establishments and public places in areas established by the Field Office;
  • Document, gather and preserve evidence acquired during investigations;
  • Assemble evidence and submit reports with recommendations for any actions to be taken after the investigation;
  • Conduct surveillance and implement strategies to track down and facilitate the arrest of fugitives from justice;
  • Maintain the strict confidentiality of all investigations, investigative strategies, one’s own identity as an Investigator, and other privileged and sensitive information;
  • Write detailed daily investigative reports and submit them to the Director of Law Enforcement Development in a timely manner;
  • Draft detailed raid and rescue operation plans;
  • Testify before prosecutor’s offices, courts, and other administrative tribunals when necessary;
  • Maintain IJM equipment and property;
  • Strive to further investigative skills through formal studies, attendance of seminars, and participation in trainings; and
  • Perform other related tasks or assist other departments as requested.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Filipino Male; resident of Metro Manila;
  • Bachelor’s Degree or beyond;
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and Filipino;
  • No criminal record;
  • Working knowledge of computers;  
  • At least one year of experience in conducting criminal investigation;
  • Demonstrated interest in human rights and social justice; and
  • Willingness to work under potentially hazardous conditions.

Critical Qualities

  • Mature orthodox Christian faith as defined by the Apostle’s Creed;
  • Meticulous attention to detail and discipline with priorities;
  • Sustained positive attitude in a demanding environment;
  • Diplomatic, flexible, and mature judgment;
  • Excellent leadership, interpersonal and relationship-building skills.
  • Professionalism in demeanor and communication (both written and oral);
  • Capability to achieve goals in a cross-cultural setting and as a member of a team; and
  • Strong ethic of service and passion for IJM’s goals.