

CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE PROGRAMME COORDINATOR FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA Location: Lilongwe, Malawi, with regular travel to Western Province, Zambia Reference Code: RM/ZA/CAPC

Job Title: Conservation Agriculture Coordinator for Southern Africa Reports to: Malawi: the Assistant Country Director for Programs, Zambia: the Program Manager for Livelihoods. Liaison with (Dublin):Desk Officer (submission of reports, disbursement of funds). Corporate Fundraising Manager (relationship with Accenture). Agriculture Advisor, Strategy Advocacy Learning Directorate (technical and learning). Job Location: The Coordinator’s base will be Lilongwe, capital city of Malawi. The role involves 50% of time in Malawi, and 50% in Zambia
Contract Details: 2 year contract, accompanied, Grade B. Start date: ASAP Job Purpose: The Conservation Agriculture Co-ordinator will give technical support to a National CA Coordinator in each country, and generally coordinate the management of this project across the two countries of operation – Zambia and Malawi, ensuring that the project is implemented according to the agreed proposal and contract. The Co-ordinator will use the methodologies, learning and skills from other successful experiences of CA, including Concern’s CA project in Zimbabwe, to plan and implement the project in Zambia and Malawi. The CA Coordinator will provide technical support and training to the field staff of Concern and partners in the two countries and provide support to the relevant ACDPs and Program Managers in planning, resource allocation and budgeting. The CA Coordinator will manage the collection and analysis of M & E data and prepare reports to Accenture (the donor) as required. The project will also be working closely with relevant service providers to test the use of digital data gathering devices for field surveys. The Coordinator will use the data from the project to influence national and regional policies on CA and to generate learning for other countries that are planning to introduce CA projects. Coordinate with national, regional and global organizations promoting CA for sharing experiences and learning, and to advance Concern’s interest and the visibility of Concern’s successes in CA.

Main duties & Responsibilities: •Manage the overall implementation of the project as agreed in the proposal and contract •Ensure that the project is designed, managed and implemented in accordance with Concern policies, strategies, and that cross-cutting themes are mainstreamed. •Coordinate reporting on project activities across both countries to ensure optimal quality and timely submission of reports for Concern and external donors •Identify key learning from other successful CA projects including Zimbabwe CA project that can be used in Zambia and Malawi. •Assist the Zambia and Malawi Concern and partner staff to roll out the CA project (work plans, equipment, inputs). •Assist ACDPs and FIM managers to prepare and manage programme budgets. •Based on field experience and changes in the local context, propose changes to the project and budget revisions that will help quality project delivery and attainment of the project objectives. •Ensure that Concern and partners have sufficient human resources for the programme to meet its objectives. •Arranging technical training in CA and familiarisation visits for Concern and partner field staff and government staff. •Technically supervise full time CA staff and contribute to their performance review for objective and results based technical management of field staff. •Support the M&E system, including working with Concern’s IT Dept and software companies, to develop data collection systems based on mobile digital data gathering devices (mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, etc). •Conduct regular field visits to ensure that the project is implemented according to principles and standards of CA technology and propose managerial actions when necessary to improve implementation and ensures that actions are taken. •Link with regional CA networks (FAO, Regional and National CA Task Forces) •Develop links between researchers in the CGIAR institutions, universities, national agriculture research institutes, and agriculture students, farmers and field staff. •Assisting the country staff to write technical papers for publication and dissemination. •Manage a CA link/ blog on the Concern website and intranet. Update the webpage on a regular basis, and provide communications on the programme’s progress as required. •Assist country programs to use the data from the field to advocate for government policy changes/ support. •Represent Concern Worldwide at CA-related meetings, conferences and workshops. •Ensure that Concern programs worldwide are kept informed of new developments in CA and to provide technical advice to other countries as required. •Contribute to Concern Worldwide’s organisational learning through publications and participation in relevant workshops, trainings and liaison with SAL

Person specification: Essential: Either •A master’s degree in an agriculture related discipline with strong understanding of CA or •A BSc in an agriculture related discipline with 5 years of practical, “hands-on”, experience of running CA programs in developing countries. Plus •A minimum of five years experience in managing and coordinating agricultural development projects in developing countries. •Strong background in agricultural extension. •Experience of working with Ministry of Agriculture staff. •Experience in programme monitoring and evaluation including designing and implementing surveys and data analysis. •Experience in working with and through partners and in motivating and developing the skills of others •Empathy with Concern’s Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives •Sound knowledge of, and interest in, ICT, including the use of spreadsheets and statistical software. •Analytical and problem solving skills •Ability to work both as part of a team & independently •Fluency (written and spoken) in English •Proven track record in report writing. •Training, facilitation and presentation skills.

Desirable: •Previous experience of using the Household Economy Approach (HEA) for impact evaluation. •Experience of managing multicounty projects. •Practical agricultural engineering and appropriate technology skills, including experience in animal traction and training village blacksmiths to make and repair agricultural implements. •Experience in influencing government policy. •Data handling and analysis skills. •Economic analysis experience. •Experience of using ICT (software and hardware) for monitoring and surveys. •Research experience and publications in agricultural and development journals.

To apply: All applications should be submitted through our website at www.concern.net/jobs Closing date: 10 August 2011 All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline

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Any offer of employment (either paid or voluntary) with Concern Worldwide will not be made pending a clearance check being conducted on the applicant. For additional information please consult our web site or contact the Human Resource Division in our Head Office. Concern Worldwide is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.