
AFGHANISTAN - Field Coordinator / Program Manager - Saighan

Solidarités International is a French humanitarian organization which provides aid and assistance to victims of war or natural disaster. For over 30 years the association has focused on meeting three vital needs - water, food and shelter - by carrying out emergency programmes followed by longer-term reconstruction projects. Whilst fully respecting the assisted populations’ customs and culture, Solidarités International’s programmes are implemented through the joint expertise of around 180 expatriates and 1500 local managerial staff and employees. Solidarités International is currently present in Africa (Central African Republic, Southern Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Liberia, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Zimbabwe), in Asia (Afghanistan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar) and in Haiti.


Solidarités International’s (SI) mission in Afghanistan was and still is a historically significant mission, linked to the birth and development of the association. The mission was the biggest of the association until 2003/2004 when a volume reduction trend started. From 2008 onwards, the trend was reversed and the mission witnessed an increase in the volume of activities with the maintaining and strengthening of a major rural development component both linked to the humanitarian situation in Solidarités International’s areas of intervention (mainly the central highlands) and a donor strategy putting emphasis on early recovery and development type projects. In addition, it should be noted that since 2005, Solidarités International continued the implementation of WASH projects in “urban poor” environments in Kabul city and its immediate outskirts. At the same time, Solidarités kept up its intervention in peak crisis situations with the implementation of emergency food security-related projects (direct food distribution, voucher for work, cash for work, food for work, and emergency shelter) in its areas of intervention. Finally, throughout 2010, SI began the development of its emergency response capacity, setting up an umbrella emergency response mechanism in several provinces of the country.

Currently, Solidarités International’s intervention takes place in four provinces: Kabul, Bamyan, Baghlan and Samangan.


As Field Coordinator :

The Field Coordinator has the role of delegated Head of Mission in Bamyan province (Saighan, Kahmard and Bamyan districts) and Baghlan province (Banu, Dih Salah and Puli Hisar districts). • He/she proposes a regional strategy according to the geopolitical and humanitarian context, and ensures its implementation once validated. • He/she ensures that projects (4 until December 2011, 2 from January 2012) are carried out in accordance with the Solidarités International charter, respecting all internal and contractual procedures. • He/she mobilizes the material and financial resources necessary for programs to run smoothly, and supervises resource management. • He/she coordinates the teams in place and is responsible for their security in Bamyan and Baghlan. • He/she is the Head of Mission's direct contact and representative.

As Program Manager :

The LRRD (Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development) Program Manager is in charge of implementing and achieving the objectives defined in the proposal. • He/she is in charge of supervising the operational teams allocated to his/her program. • He/she guarantees the proper execution and the quality of the implemented program and, if applicable, suggests adjustments or developments to ensure its relevance.


1/ As Field Coordinator

Coordination and strategic orientation • Monitor and analyse the humanitarian, political, cultural, social and economic context • Develop an operational strategy in line with the association's policies and the population's needs

Relevance and operational quality / operation monitoring • Ensure the coordination, development, monitoring and evaluation of programs • Ensure programs are implemented in accordance with the annual operational strategy, Solidarités International's technical requirements and financial donors’ criteria

Resource management • Propose the human, financial and logistical scale for his/her intervention zone • Ensure that financial resources and other means are mobilized • Guarantee the appropriate use of resources

Human resources management • Build and maintain a team dynamic which enables the achievement of Solidarités International’s objectives • Promote the ethics and values of Solidarités International • Monitor the implementation of SI’s human resources policy and procedures

Security • Responsibility for the security of teams and property in his/her assigned zone • Monitor and analyse the security situation • Ensure that all new arrivals are given a geopolitical and security briefing • Ensure that all security rules and procedures are respected • Ensure the immediate management of any security incidents

Financial backer relations / search for funding • Monitor and analyse donor strategies • Participate in the search for funding and ensure the financial stability of the organisation • Strengthen relations between Solidarités International and donor representatives

Internal and external communication • Ensure that documents produced meet deadlines and quality standards • Ensure that key operational information circulates properly, in his/her intervention zone and between the bases and the country coordination

Representation • Be the official representative of Solidarités International at district and provincial level for aid workers, administrative, political and local authorities, civil society and the media

2/ As LRRD Program Manager

Implementation and operational monitoring

• Use the project management, monitoring and evaluation tools • Implement quality criteria and monitoring indicators • Support and advise the base’s logistics department • Supervise and provide support for the Agro/CBPM and Zoo Engineers • Monitor expenses and budget forecasts • Draw up requirement statuses and cash flow needs • Implement impact surveys for LRRD program

Capitalization • Centralization and distribution of procedures, guides and tools • Capitalize on intervention techniques and on the experiences acquired by Solidarités and other actors • Accompany an external evaluator for the final evaluation of LRRD program

Personnel management • Hiring national technical staff • Define the prerequisites for new positions • Set up technical training sessions in line with operational needs and identified training requirements • Manage and support the team under his/her responsibility • Evaluate and assess the performance of colleagues under his/her direct supervision

Reporting / communication / representation • Pass upward any information on the security situation that could impact the safety of the teams • Draft activity reports and any annexes for financial donor reports and/or amendments (LRRD final report) • Maintain a local operational communications network and good relations with local and government authorities, financial donor representatives, UN agencies and other international agencies • In collaboration with Food Security Coordinator / Food Security support officer, prepare the administrative documents to be jointly signed with government authorities, communities or partners


Education: Master’s degree in international development, political studies, humanitarian aid. A degree in Agronomy (CNEARC, etc.) or rural development would be a huge plus.

Experience: • Previous experience in project/field coordination required • Previous experience in food security / rural development fields required. • Previous experience of project management in NGO/humanitarian field. • Previous experience in unstable and volatile environment (conflict / post conflict country). • Previous experience in security management. • Experience of team management.

Technical skills: • Strong knowledge in Project Cycle Management • Knowledge in general agronomy, rural development and food security issues • Knowledge and previous experience in project cycle management. • Knowledge in water issues for agriculture and social water management will be appreciated. • Knowledge in security management

Languages: Fluent in English (written, spoken, read). French would be highly appreciated (reporting to donor in French)

Computer skills: Excellent computer skills (Microsoft office package and internet)

Other: • Minimum 25 years old • Good analytical and redaction skills • Adaptability to work in remote area and under difficult climatic conditions (very cold winter – quite hot in summer). This position is actually the only expatriate position in the area of intervention • Knowledge of the Afghan context (highly appreciated) • Good knowledge of Islamic environment • Knowledge of Dari or Farsi will be appreciated

Rigor, patience, autonomy and capacity of adaptation are necessary skills.


Salaried post: from 1700 euros gross per month, according to experience, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 500 USD.

Solidarités International will cover accommodation and travel expenses from the expatriate’s home country to the site of the assignment.

  • Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

  • Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités). He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 15-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will cover travel costs).

DURATION : 12 months, beginning as soon as possible.


Please send us a CV and cover letter, either through our website or via the following link:https://emea2.recruitmentplatform.com/syndicated/private/syd_apply.cfm?I....