
Review of Tourism Institutional Structure and Legislation for Papua New Guinea

Reference: PX/PNG/0491
Location: Papua New Guinea
Duration: 100 person days or 20 person weeks
Closing Date: 14 Oct 2011


The Commonwealth Secretariat is providing assistance to the Office of Tourism, Arts and Culture (OTAC) of Papua New Guinea to review the institutional and legislative framework in the tourism sector. This is being provided at the request of OTAC.

In 2008, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was assisted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in assessing the institutional framework for tourism and how it can be enhanced. At the time of the assessment, the institutional framework on the public sector side was made up of the Ministry of Tourism and three statutory agencies namely Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA), National Museum and Art Gallery (NMAG) and National Cultural Commission (NCC). The assessment revealed weaknesses in the institutional structure which affected the ability of the Ministry of Tourism to formulate policy and monitor the three statutory bodies. The assessment pointed to the need for institutional reforms. As a first step in the reform process, a recommendation was made to create an office falling under the Ministry of Tourism which would coordinate and monitor the three statutory agencies. This resulted in the creation of OTAC in 2010. This assignment builds on the institutional reforms that began following the review by IFC.

Scope of work

The successful consultants will conduct the following work:

Inception Phase

  • Hold an inception meeting with OTAC and Commonwealth Secretariat. The meeting will validate the Terms of Reference, identify necessary stakeholders, identify necessary information and documents required to assist the assessment phase and agree on a work plan.
  • Prepare and submit an Inception Report highlighting key issues and the way forward on the project

Review and Assessment Phase

  • Conduct the first consultative workshop to launch the project, introduce project to stakeholders and get initial views, and establish contact with stakeholders for follow up meetings
  • Review of relevant policy documents including the national tourism policy and tourism master plan for guidance on tourism sector goals and objectives
  • Review of the institutional structure by reviewing the mandates and functions of the Ministry of Tourism, OTAC, TPA, NMAG, and NCC
  • Review the following legislation:
    • Tourism Promotion Authority Act 1993
    • National Museum and Art Gallery Act 1992
    • National Cultural Commission Act 1994
    • Regulatory Statutory Authorities (RSA) Act 2004 – only aspects that apply to tourism will be relevant to the project
  • Assess links between the Ministry of Tourism, OTAC, TPA, NMAG, NCC and Provincial Tourism Bureaux
  • Review existing performance monitoring and evaluation systems between OTAC and the key agencies
  • Assess the role of private sector role in the current institutional framework
  • Prepare and submit an Assessment Report

Recommendations Phase

Make recommendations on the following:

  • Changes in institutional structure, mandates and functions of the key agencies
  • An effective system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the key agencies
  • Mechanisms for improving the role of private sector in the institutional framework
  • Legislative amendments required to effect recommended changes
  • Prepare and submit Draft Recommendation Report
  • Conduct second consultative workshop to present and discuss the Draft Recommendations Report
  • Based on feedback from second consultative workshop, finalize and submit the Recommendations Report

Key deliverables

The successful consultants will be required to deliver the following:

  • Inception Report
  • Assessment Report
  • Draft Recommendations Report
  • Final Recommendations Report

Level of effort and duration

Twenty person weeks over a period of seven months.

Project budget

The Commonwealth Secretariat has allocated an all inclusive maximum budget of £47,500 for hiring consultancy services. This will cover maximum professional fees of £1,500 per week, four economy class air tickets to Papua New Guinea and daily subsistence allowance for days spent in Papua New Guinea. The total amount allocated for four economy class air tickets is a maximum of £6,800 for consultants not based in the Pacific region and £4,000 for consultants based in the Pacific region including Australia and New Zealand. Costs of hosting the consultative workshops will be met by OTAC and should therefore not be included in the proposed budget.

Required expertise and qualifications

The Commonwealth Secretariat is now hiring a team of two consultants who meet the following criteria:

  • One team member should be an expert in institutional reorganization and strengthening with wide experience in the tourism sector and a minimum of a masters degree in a relevant field
  • The other team member should be a Tourism Lawyer with a minimum of a masters degree in Law
  • Both consultants should have wide international experience in tourism institutional reviews and legislation

Preparation of proposals

Proposals should clearly indicate the following:

  • Methodology proposed to undertake activities outlined in the scope of work
  • Proposed work plan and milestones
  • Proposed budget with all costs components clearly broken down. This should not include the cost of holding public and stakeholder consultations
  • Detailed CVs of the proposed two consultants clearly indicating the experience and qualifications required for this assignment
  • The role to be played by each proposed team member

Reporting arrangements

The successful consultant will sign a contract with ComSec which will be responsible for making contractual payments to the successful consulting team. The lead organization in Papua New Guinea will be OTAC and will be responsible for coordinating in-country activities.

Submission of proposals

The deadline for submission of proposals is 2359 hours BST on Friday 14 October 2011.
Proposals should be marked to the attention of:

Mr James Lek
Human Resources
Commonwealth Secretariat
Email: j.lek@commonwealth.int

Download the Clarifications to Queries from Bidders

Download the Terms of Reference