
Team Leader Papua New Guinea Australia Law and Justice Partnership

Australia is providing support to the Papua New Guinea (PNG) law and justice sector through the PNG-Australia Law and Justice Partnership (PALJP). The Partnership provides flexible and responsive support that will assist the Government of PNG (GoPNG) to achieve measurable progress against its policies and strategies for law and justice reform.

We are currently seeking applications for the position of Team Leader. The successful applicant will have the following key skills and experience-

•15 or more years significant governance reform experience in a developing country context

•Demonstrated capacity to engage with senior levels of government and develop strategic level advice relating to institutional and service delivery challenges

•Demonstrated ability to manage large, complex reform programs , effective leadership of a large multi-located, multi-disciplinary team

•Demonstrated adaptive capacity to work effectively in a cross-cultural environment

•Ability to prioritise and provide strategic advice, analysis and guidance to AusAID and GoPNG partners on the PALJP’s goals and strategic direction

•Knowledge and investment in governance good practice and application to management of programs.

•Demonstrated ability to counsel, mediate and negotiate

To apply please download a terms of reference and application form from www.cardnoacil.com.au/osopps.asp. Complete the application form and submit it with a current CV to Recruitment.EmergingMarkets@cardno.com. Please state your name and the position name which you are applying for in the email subject line. Closing date for applications is 5pm 18/09/2011 please note that late applications or applications that do not address the key selection criteria will not be considered.

This position is due to commence in November 2011 and has been classified as being for an International Adviser, Discipline D job level 4 under the AusAID Adviser Remuneration Framework.

It is anticipated that interviews will take place in Port Moresby in the week commencing 03/10/2011, short listed applicants will be invited to attend a face to face interview.