
Operations Coordinator - Sandy Operation , Port au Prince, Haiti

Although not directly in the path of Hurricane Sandy, Haiti suffered three consecutive days of rain between October 23-26 that caused severe flooding in the country, damaging homes, schools, public infrastructure and causing a severe damage to livelihoods previously affected the tropical storm Isaac and a prior drought. A total of 33,760 homes were damaged and more than 2,298 people were left homeless. Potable water networks and cholera treatment centres were also damaged in the storm, raising the possibility of new cholera outbreaks in the weeks and months ahead. The government of Haiti estimates that 90,356.7 hectares of agriculture land which had been spared by Tropical Storm Isaac were destroyed by hurricane Sandy. OCHA further estimates that the combined effects of Tropical Storm Isaac , Hurricane Sandy and the drought earlier on in the year will impact negatively on 1,5 million people who are already food insecure. 

The Haiti Red Cross Society, in collaboration with the IFRC, is launching an Emergency Appeal in order to provide support to a minimum of 8,000 families (40,000 people) directly affected by the hurricane. This operation will be complementary to the on-going activities related to the earthquake appeal that are currently developed by IFRC in close partnership with the Haitian Red Cross. 

The Sandy Operations Coordinator (SOC) will coordinate the implementation of the whole operation from the relief activities to the recovery ones. He or She will support and assist the National Society in their response to the hurricane and manage the Federationdelegates to ensure the efficient and effective planning and implementation of the programmes. He or she will coordinate relief operations as well as shelter, livelihood/Food Security, Health and WatSan activities.

Description of Key Duties and Responsibilities: 

Coordinate the implementation of international humanitarian aid, starting with relief supplies and other relief assistance and promote cooperation between the operating and participating national societies before to start the recovery activities. 

Support, assist and advise the operating national society in:

•Monitoring, reviewing and identifying vulnerable populations and assessing their capacities, vulnerabilities and immediate needs.
•Planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting the distribution of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and other immediate relief assistance .
•Ensuring rapid and well-coordinated distribution of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and other immediate relief assistance .
•Ensuring alignment with International Federation guidelines and policies (SPHERE, Code of Conduct, Principles and Rules for Disaster Relief, Seville agreement, etc.) and the use of tools such as ERU.
Provide hands-on humanitarian aid, relief supplies and other relief assistance distribution management as required by the circumstances and in agreement with the operating national society:

•Monitor, review and identify vulnerable populations and assess their capacities, vulnerabilities and immediate needs .
•Define (scope, timeframes deliverables/outcomes, costs et cetera) the component for distribution of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and other immediate relief assistance of the plan of action of the disaster response operation in accordance with the affected population's immediate needs and capacities .
•Initiate, plan (and budget), execute, close, and monitor and control the distribution of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and other immediate relief assistance .
•Coordinate the definition, management and implementation of needs assessments, surveys, and beneficiary registration methods and systems .
•Ensure achievement of the outcomes/deliverables of the 'relief distribution' component of the plan of action in a timely fashion and within budget and quality standards .
•Oversee preparation of accurate and timely reports .
•Oversee successful completion and/or transfer and/or hand over of the 'relief distribution' component of the plan of action and/or its outcomes/deliverables.

The Sandy Operations Coordinator will then have to coordinate the implementation of the full recovery programmes. These programmes are targeting as a priority the Food Security aspect as well as the cholerea contentment. Other subjects like shelter will also need to tackled 

The SOC is in charge of the budget allocated to the Sandy Operations 

In coordination with the Head of Operations based in PaP, the SOC is also in charge of updating and modifying if needed the overall plan of Action for the Sandy Operations 

The SOC will also be the head of the sub-delegation that will need to be opened in the Nippes Region. For this he will be managing directly the support services dedicated to the operation. With the support of the Head of Support Services in PaP he will be responsible for the well application of the rules and procedures in the sub-delegation. 

Build and maintain knowledge and understanding of the in-country 'relief distribution' activities of the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 

Manage direct line reports and assigned resources (financial, equipment, etc.) soundly. 

Take initiative to raise fund for 'relief distribution' and related efforts. 

Coordinate the setting up and running of the relief base and supervise and make recommendations for the maintenance and improvement of distribution infrastructure, transport and warehousing. 

Represent the International Federation and liaise with counterparts from participating national societies and the ICRC as well as external partners, such as UN agencies (specially clusters), NGOs, donors, bilateral and multilateral organizations and missions active in the country within the mandate of the key tasks and responsibilities set in this job description. 

Lateral relationships :

•Establish and ensure effective working relationships with all other staff .
•Ensure an effective working relationship with national society colleagues .
•Ensure effective working relationships with technical and service departments at Zonal and Geneva Secretariat levels.

Duties applicable to all staff:

•Actively work towards the achievement of the Secretariat's goals .
•Abide by and work in accordance with the Red Cross Red Crescent principles .
•Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager
Position Requirements : 


Basic Delegates Training Course or equivalent knowledge
Relevant university degree or equivalent knowledge


Experience of managing & supporting staff
Experience of working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent
5 to 10 years experience of working for a humanitarian aid organisation in a developing country
5 to 10 years experience of managing supply, beneficiary targeting, registration & relief distribution programme
5 to 10 years experience of working in and managing a wide range of logistics and supply roles, including warehousing, transport, insurance, stock control and warehouse management, procurement and purchase – Preferred
Experience in planning and managing budgets
Experience in narrative and financial reporting
Experience in financial and programme planning
Experience in programme management in Relief, Shelter, Livelihood, Wash or Health

Knowledge and Skills:

Substancial leadership skills and capacity of working independently
Excellent communication skills
Good analytical skills and solution focused person
Demonstrable accountability
Ability to work well in a multicultural team
Excellent stress management skills
Self-supporting in computers (Windows, spreadsheets, word-processing, email, etc.)


Fluently spoken and written English
Fluently spoken and written French
Other languages: Creole – Preferred

How to apply: 

The Federation is an equal opportunity employer. In order for us to assure a proper comparative evaluation of your application for this vacancy and to enable us to consider your profile against other similar current and future vacancies, we ask that you submit your application through JobNet.

Please apply directly to 



or follow the link below: 
