
Consultant to assist the Ministry of Health, St Lucia, develop a Human Resource Development Policy for the health sector

Reference: PG/LCA/0412
Location: Castries, St Lucia
Duration: 120 person days / 24 person weeks over a period of 6 months
Closing Date: 20 Sep 2013

Project Background 

The public health sector in Saint Lucia is going through a process of reform first initiated in 2006, with a view to increase efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. The health sector however does not presently have its own Human Resources for Health (HRH) policies, and instead works within the generalised Public Service policy framework.
Despite a newly constructed national hospital, the country continues to be faced with the persistent challenge of staffing key healthcare positions. The health sector experiences staffing shortage across care and service delivery areas, impacting negatively on the delivery of quality services. Staff shortages are exacerbated by health worker migration, geographic imbalance in the placement of appropriately qualified health staff around the country, limited training capacity, limited staff development, limited HRH funding, constrained authorized positions, and internationally uncompetitive salaries and incentives.
This Commonwealth Secretariat project aims to support the development of a human resource development policy for the health sector and to provide strengthened capacity to implement the policy across key stakeholders. 
The immediate beneficiaries of this project will be key staff at the Ministry of Health, who will benefit from the development of the policy, and the transfer of skills from the consultant. The ultimate beneficiaries of the project will be the citizens of Saint Lucia, particularly vulnerable groups in society, who will benefit from more effective and complete healthcare provision.

Project Purpose

The purpose of this project is to strengthen the human resource management and development capacity of the Saint Lucian Ministry of Health.

Project Outcome

This project is expected to contribute to Saint Lucia’s ability to develop strategies and tools to make more effective use of its public sector professionals for human development.

Scope of Work

  •  Project Implementation
The Consultant will be employed under this project for up to a maximum of 120 person days. He/She will work closely with identified key personnel in the Ministry of Health, providing continuous sharing of knowledge and capacity building. Key stakeholders including the Ministry of the Public Service will also inform policy direction under the project and serve to build legitimacy for onward policy implementation. 
  •    Project Outputs
       Comprehensive HR Assessment for the Health Sector
 Expected Activities to include:
  •  Reconciliation of HR data for the health sector and finalisation of the HR database
  • Collection and collation of outstanding data requirement on staff numbers, relevant characteristics, and skills levels across health professionals.
  • Identification of the target availability of health workers in terms of quantity and quality of professional and technical levels, location and timing, in order to deliver on broader health sector policy priorities and objectives.
  • Development of an HRH work force planning tool to continually update HRH supply needs
  • National Human Resources for Health (HRH) Development Policy
    Expected Activities to include:
  • Description of St Lucia’s priorities in the area of HRH as they respond to the implementation of the country’s health priorities.
  • Identification of the main structures, components and strategies for attaining HRH priorities. 
  • Preparation of a National Human Resources for Health (HRH) Development Policy.
  • Development of a short-term, medium-term and long-term HRH development vision (as part of the Policy). 
  • Cross-Ministerial HRH Stakeholder group meetings
    Expected Activities to include:
  •  Development of an institutional  framework within which human resource activities can be coordinated and implemented across relevant government Ministries, Departments and Agencies.    

 Submission of Deliverables

In addition to the substantive delivery of the outputs above, the consultant will be expected to submit:
  • An Inception Report not more than 4 weeks after assignment commencement
  •  A Mid-Term Progress Report not more than 14 weeks after assignment commencement
  • A Final Project Completion Report not later than 2 weeks after completion of the assignment

Implementation Arrangements

The Consultant will be based at the Ministry of Health for the duration of the assignment, and will be supervised by the Chief Health Planner, Ministry of Health, Wellness, National Mobilisation, Human Services and Gender Relations.
The project will be managed by the Technical Cooperation & Strategic Response Group (TCSRG) of the Commonwealth Secretariat, with technical support provided by the Health Section of the Social Transformation Programmes Division (STPD).
The Commonwealth Primary Contact Point (PCP) and STPD will be kept informed on project progress during implementation, and be given the opportunity to provide feedback at the mid-term evaluation. 
Monitoring and Evaluation of the project will take place during the course of its implementation. The Consultant will be expected to provide an Inception Report within four weeks of assignment commencement and Mid-term Progress Report to his / her designated Project Manager, TCSRG, at the Commonwealth Secretariat. 

Transfer of Expertise

The Commonwealth Secretariat attaches particular importance to the transfer of expertise and knowledge to counterparts. The consultant in his/her discussions with the Reporting Officer should draw attention to the need for key staff to be assigned as counterparts at the beginning of the assignment. This should be reported in the Inception Report. A capacity development plan for key counterpart staff should also be produced by the consultant and agreed with the Reporting Officer as part of the Inception process. An update should be provided on this in all Progress Reports.

Experience & Qualifications

The successful candidates should possess: 
  • Advanced degree (Masters Degree or equivalent) in Human Resources, Social Planning and Policy Development, Health Services Management or other relevant subject from a recognised and reputable tertiary or research institution.
  • Extensive experience of developing human resource policy in the public sector; 
  • Extensive experience of carrying out research, data analysis and information collection;
  • Knowledge of best-practice in the area of public sector human resource management;
  • Proven experience of working at a senior governmental or ministerial level;
  • Significant experience in capacity development and training;
  • Experience of working on similar projects in other Commonwealth jurisdictions would be an advantage;

Further Information