
Post-Doc Fellow

The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) is jointly funded by USDA and land-grant universities, such as Michigan State University (MSU). The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development consists of 12 states, with Michigan being one.

MSU and NCRCRD is seeking a post-doctoral fellow to execute the following activities: actively engage with the NCRCRD advisory board and land-grant university administrators to develop and disseminate curriculum; write refereed journal articles related to one or more of the following areas: innovations diffusion for rural development, sustainable communities, leadership development and entrepreneurial communities; interview land-grant administrators and faculty to identify promising new ways of facilitating agriculture and rural development technology dissemination.

Through the experience with NCRCRD, the fellow will complement the strong disciplinary training of their PhD program with exposure to a broad range of sciences and learning-by-doing in rural development Extension curriculum design and pilot-testing. At the end of their post-doctoral experiences, the fellows will enjoy a network of senior academic and policy colleagues from which they may launch successful careers as faculty members or policy analysts.

Fellows will be compensated commensurate with recent PhDs in their field of study, and will have access to health care benefits. The position will be appointed for up to twelve months (contingent on final budget approvals); appointments of shorter duration can be considered, depending on the applicant's goals. The primary location of this position is in East Lansing, Mi , and the successful candidate will be provided with an office on the Michigan State University campus. The position will likely involve overnight travel to other parts of the NCRCRD's twelve-state area, Washington DC, or to conferences related to the topics addressed by the fellow.

Individuals applying for the position should expect to begin working sometime between September 15 and November 30, 2013. Individuals who hold ABD status are strongly encouraged to apply but will not be appointed until they have met all degree requirements.

Minimum Qualifications:

PhD achieved in Social Science; demonstrated interest in topics addressed by NCRCRD, such as innovation diffusion for rural development, sustainable communities, leadership development and entrepreneurial communities; strong written and verbal communication skills; and ability to travel independently by air and drive an automobile, as needed.

Desired Qualifications:

Academic record of publications related to the issues to be addresses by NCRCRD, such as innovation diffusion for rural development, sustainable communities, leadership development and entrepreneurial communities; demonstrated ability to synthesize academic inputs from a wide array of sources; a strong understanding of the land grant university system; and experience living or working in rural areas of the United States.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Applicants should also submit a letter of application, which should address how the post-doctoral experience will help the candidate achieve their ultimate career goal. Candidates holding ABD status should specify their expected date of degree completion. In addition, applicants should provide a curriculum vita, electronic copy of PhD program course transcripts, and phone contact information for three professional references.

Department Website: http://ncrcrd.msu.edu

Apply: https://jobs.msu.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1375970260816

Posting Number: 8226
Department: MSUE Directors Office
Job Title: Research Associate - Fixed Term
Application Deadline: September 4, 2013
Website: https://jobs.msu.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1375970260816
Deadline: Wednesday, September 4, 2013