
Program & Outreach Intern, Clean Lakes Alliance

Clean Lakes Alliance - Program & Outreach Intern (for credit)

Clean Lakes Alliance is interested in partnering with your advisor or department in creating a custom-designed, for-credit internship in the areas of environmental policy, environmental law, agriculture, communications, marketing, database management, or environmental education. Applicants must include letter of support and contact information from an advisor or departmental administrator. Accepting applications from undergraduate and graduate students.

The Clean Lakes Alliance (CLA) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to the water quality of area lakes, streams and wetlands in the Yahara River Watershed. Working closely with state, county and local government agencies, waterway user groups, stakeholders, and riparian owners, CLA will serve as a positive voice in promotion of our cherished lakes and a fundraising arm for project execution.

To apply for this internship send resume and letter of interest to Elizabeth Katt-Reinders via elizabeth@cleanlakesalliance.com

For more information about our organization please visit: cleanlakesalliance.com
Website: http://www.cleanlakesalliance.com/intern-with-cla/