
Australian Statistician

As Australia’s national statistical agency, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides statistics on a wide range of population, economic, social and environmental matters, covering government, business and the community. The ABS also has an important coordination function with respect to the statistical activities of other official bodies, both in Australia and overseas. The ABS has an office in each Australian state and territory, with the Australian Statistician located in Canberra.
Applications are invited from persons who wish to be considered for appointment as the Australian Statistician.
The Australian Statistician leads the ABS, an organisation of some 3500 people, and is responsible for leading a key function of government, including provision of a broad range of high quality, independent statistics to inform decision making, research and discussion. The Australian Statistician is also responsible for providing leadership to the broader statistical system in Australia to ensure the coordination and comparability of statistics produced across government.
The successful candidate will be an individual of high integrity, able to role-model Australian Public Service and ABS values. Importantly, the successful candidate will possess a strong record of successful senior leadership in organisations undertaking a wide range of technically demanding work, a demonstrated aptitude in shaping organisational capability and managing significant organisational change, and a proven ability to build strong relationships with key stakeholders at the highest levels.
The Australian Statistician is a statutory office. The Australian Statistician is appointed by the Governor-General for up to 7 years, but is eligible for re-appointment. This position is a designated Security Assessed Position. The terms and conditions are subject to determinations made by the Remuneration Tribunal. The current annual total remuneration package for this statutory office has been set at $670,210 (as of 1 January 2014).
Further information about the position, including selection criteria, is available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website at http://www.abs.gov.au or by emailing Jason Allford at jason.allford@treasury.gov.au. Should you wish to discuss details of the position confidentially, please contact Dr Martin Parkinson, on (02) 6263 3738.
Applications are sought by 5pm AEDT, Sunday 16 March 2014. Applications should be sent to absstatisticianrecruitment@treasury.gov.au.
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