
Communication Trainee (Young Researcher)

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). Our mission is to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management in ACP countries.
Our three strategic goals are:
  • strengthening ACP agricultural and rural development policy processes and strategies;
  • enhancing priority agricultural value chains; and
  • enhancing ACP capacities in information, communication and knowledge management (ICKM) for agricultural and rural development.
CTA headquarters are in Wageningen (the Netherlands) with an office in Brussels. http://www.cta.int
We are looking for a young motivated communication expert to join our Brussels Office team and beeditor of two Blogs.
Editor of the news website Brussels ACP-EU news
  • Research of news on policy (especially trade issues)
  • Finding information related to the news for further reading
  • Posting around 5-7 news a day which will be sent on a weekly newsletter
  • Updating the calendar of events
  • Preparing a video/week
  • Promoting the material online
Editor of the Brussels Development Briefings Blog
  • Research and writing of introductory texts for the website
  • Promoting and monitoring the quality of the online material
  • Uploading documents, presentations, ppt….
  • Maintenance of the social media
The successful candidate should have an excellent knowledge of either English or French and the ability to work in the other language and be national of an EU or ACP country.
A one six month’s renewable contract (one year maximum) will be offered from 1st July 2014. Monthly allowance will vary according to experience and background.
Please send your application to boto@cta.int.