
PhD Integrated multi-scale high-end scenarios for climate adaptation in Europe.

Scientific fieldAgriculture
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We are looking for

There are important challenges for European research in learning about how to cope with human-induced climate change in ways that can support policy strategies. Evaluating high-end scenarios related to complex and unpredictable system’s behaviour is not fully integrated in current state-of-the art scenario methods, while embedded results in a science-policy dialogue that assists decision-makers is lacking. The FP7 project IMPRESSIONS (IMPacts and Risks from higher-End Scenarios: Strategies for Innovative solutiONS) will address these challenges. We are looking for two PhD candidates who, in close collaboration, will develop integrated, multi-scale, high-end scenarios for climate change adaptation in Europe.

IMPRESSIONS proposes a novel methodology that explicitly deals with uncertainties and strong non-linear changes using a range of scenarios focussing on higher-end climate change. These scenarios will be applied to a range of existing and new spatially-explicit global models. The models will be embedded within an innovative multi-scale integrated assessment approach to improve analysis of cross-scale interactions and cross-sectoral benefits, conflicts and trade-offs. The PhD candidate contributes by developing and applying the GLOBIO3 model to assess impacts on ecosystems, and the consequences of different adaptation strategies. The GLOBIO3 model will be combined with various other global integrated assessment models, including AIM, iPETs and IMAGE. Model development explicitly includes the analysis of adaptation strategies. The possibilities of applying agent-based models will be explored.

We ask

The PhD candidate should have an MSc-degree or equivalent in environmental science, climate science, geography, ecology or a related discipline. It is essential to be familiar with different modelling approaches and to be a skilled user of models. We value a genuine affinity with integrated, multidisciplinary issues and a demonstrated interest in interacting with decision makers. The project requires a dedicated, creative individual, with broad academic skills and good communication and collaboration skills.

We offer

We offer a fulltime employment (38 hours a week) as PhD researcher within the Soil Geography and Landscape Group for 18 months with a possible extension of 30 months after a positive evaluation. The gross salary will increase from € 2083 in the first year up to € 2664 per month in the fourth year (based on fulltime employment). In addition, we offer a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-the-year bonus of 8.3% of your annual salary.

More information

Additional information about this vacancy can be obtained from Prof.Dr.ir. Rik Leemans (rik.leemans@wur.nl). Telephone: +31 (0) 317-484919.

How to apply
Interested? Don’t email directly to the people mentioned above. Please use the website to apply and upload your CV and a short motivation letter.

Interviews with selected applicants are expected to take place in second half of August 2014.

We are

The Environmental Systems Analysis Group (ESA) of Wageningen University covers a quantitative and multidisciplinary research field aimed at analyzing, interpreting, simulating and communicating complex environmental problems from different perspectives. The research of the ESA group combines ecological, economic, technological and policy perspectives in order to develop new insights in the causes, effects and potential solutions to complex environmental issues.

Wageningen University and Research Centre
Delivering a substantial contribution to the quality of life. That's our focus – each and every day. Within our domain, healthy food and living environment, we search for answers to issues affecting society – such as sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we don’t do this alone. Every day, 6,500 people work on ‘the quality of life’, turning ideas into reality, on a global scale.