
Conducting Regional Donors Scoping Study - West Africa

  • Deadline : 8 Dec 2016
As part of WaterAid Global Strategy 2015-2020 all the six WaterAid country programmes in West Africa developed their Country Programme Strategies for the next five years. Each country programme strategy will contribute to achieve WaterAid’s vision of universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030. In addition to support CP strategies and ambitions as they seek to diversity their funding portfolios some are planning to become self-governing entities.
In order to deliver on these ambitions and ensure these strategies are fully funded, it is necessary for WaterAid in West Africa to diversify its funding base, to ensure the programme is financially sustainable. As such WaterAid West Africa is now looking to develop a holistic fundraising strategy, which will clearly outline the key actions, timescales and resources needed to meet this target. WaterAid West Africa is therefore looking to engage a consultant to assess the donor environment in the region. There is a massive amount of data already available at both country and regional levels. The consultant will collate these, identify new opportunities and constraints for in-country fundraising and make recommendations on how best we can position ourselves at both levels to maximize those opportunities.
This call for Expression of Interest (Eol) is to solicit consultancy services from a qualified consultant firm to undertake detailed regional donors scoping study covering Burkina, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Transboundary Liberia and Sierra Leone for WaterAid
To apply:  
The expected duration of the study is one month. The applicant is required to submit a brief proposal outlining methodology, detailed budget and CV of proposed resource persons that clearly highlights previous similar work experience. Along with the proposal, the applicant should also submit a cost estimate for conducting the study. The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capability as required by the nature of the work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work.
The proposal shall be in electronic copy with the subject line mentioning “Regional Donors Scoping study” to the following address: oumarndiaye@wateraid.org
This is a re-advertisement. Applicants who have already sent their EoIs for this consultancy services should not re-apply. Their applications are already in the selection process.
WAWA is an equal-opportunity employer. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.Telephone enquiries shall not be entertained.