
Call for Expressions of Interest – evaluation of ETI’s PPA

Evaluation consultant required for mid-term review of ETI's PPA

Call for Expressions of Interest – evaluation of ETI’s PPA

The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is commissioning a mid-term Independent Progress Review (IPR) of its Programme Partnership Arrangement (PPA) with DFID. The IPR needs to be undertaken by the beginning of September, with a final report available by mid-October. Terms of Reference (ToR) can be found at www.ethicaltrade.org/jobs.

Individuals/organisations interested in carrying out this work should submit a short (3 page max) Expression of Interest setting out:

- How you would approach the IPR to meet the requirements of the Terms of Reference.
- Relevant experience and expertise of your organisation/people who would undertake the work.

EoIs should be sent to Penny Street, Head of Knowledge and Learning (penny@eti.org.uk) by 5pm on Tuesday 10 April.