
Director (SAAO)

The SAAO is a National Facility operated by the NRF and is the primary facility for optical/infrared astronomy in Africa. It has a staff of about 120, divided between the headquarters in Cape Town, where the Director will be based, and the observing facilities, 360 km to the north-east at Sutherland in the Northern Cape.

The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), the single largest optical telescope in the southern hemisphere, is operated by SAAO, under contract to the 12-member international SALT consortium.

SAAO has a divisional structure that consists of:

  • astronomy research
  • SALT astronomy and technical operations
  • small telescope operations
  • instrumentation (which has been responsible for major components of two of the SALT primary instruments)
  • IT (recently upgraded through its location to a modern, dedicated building)
  • education and public outreach (through the SALT collateral benefits program, and recently enhanced through the IAU award to SAAO of its Office of Astronomy for Development)
  • administration

We are seeking a dynamic astronomer with excellent leadership skills and diplomatic qualities, an established track record in optical/infrared astronomy, proven experience and skills in research management and a reputation for high quality research at an international level. Experience with large telescope science and/or instrumentation would be an advantage.

Further information about SAAO, SALT and the NRF may be obtained through http://www.saao.ac.za, together with a more detailed job description.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, motivating their candidacy for the position, together with a detailed CV, which includes the names, addresses and contact numbers of at least three referees.

Mr Patrick Thompson
Group Executive: Human Resources and Stakeholder Relations
National Research Foundation
P O Box 2600
Pretoria 0001
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)12 481 4073
Fax: +27 (0)12 481 4006
E-mail: Patrick@nrf.ac.za

The NRF is committed to employment equity and redress.

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