
Technical and Vocational Education Training

UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Country: Lebanon

Background and purpose of the work: This project falls under the PBF outcome “Revitalize the economy and immediate peace dividends”. Employment schemes and economic growth provide a ‘peace dividend’ which deters the population from engaging in conflict.

To combat chronic levels of joblessness (56%), under-employment, poverty (66%) and high level of drop-outs amongst Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, UNRWA has made a strategic decision to significantly reform its approach to vocational training and support to employment. The main objective concerning UNRWA vocational training centres (VTC) is to ensure that they ultimately can deliver training as per the Lebanese TVET curricula which would provide the graduates with accredited certificates after passing the official examinations. UNRWA has started the process to obtain the official accreditation of Siblin Training Center (STC) from the Lebanese MoE. Steps in this process include the Ministry of Education’s approval of the physical buildings at UNRWA’s VTCs, a Republican Decree establishing a vocational school, and a ‘License to Invest.’ While these official steps mandated by the Lebanese state are conducted, UNRWA is adapting its vocational training services to better handle this transition. This includes adopting the Lebanese degree system whereby various diplomas (B.P., B.T., T.S.) are offered at each level of training and students can advance from one degree level to the next in a linear progression.

Objectives of the consultancy: The consultant will provide the Program support office (PSO) and Siblin Training Centre (STC) with a comprehensive evaluation of the Lebanese TVET system and identify the most effective strategy of building capacity at STC in terms of resources, training as well as curricula upgrades, in light of the objective to obtain accreditation. The consultant will participate in workshops to present the deliverables.

Deliverables and Outcomes: Each deliverable will have to be discussed with and approved by PSO before the next deliverable is implemented. The following are the key deliverables:

  1. To provide a current overview of the laws and regulations which impact the Lebanese TVET system, including recent changes and reforms in the provision of vocational and technical teaching. This would involve liaising with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. (1 week & ongoing liaison)

  2. To collect data and provide an up-to-date mapping of the Lebanese TVET system in terms of a breakdown of courses offered, their respective curricula, equipment used, training methodology etc. ( 2 weeks)

  3. To work independently and objectively in carrying out a comparative study of UNRWA and the Lebanese Government’s TVET systems in terms of the syllabi and training offered, equipment used, and the methodology and expertise of instructors. (1 week)

  4. Liaise and coordinate with UNRWA ESCs to identify job market needs in relation to curriculum designing. (ongoing)

  5. Based on the mapping exercise, conduct an in depth analysis of STC’s accreditation needs in terms of: 1) curriculum review; 2) training for instructors; and 3) the adaptation of STC facilities to the requirements of the Lebanese system. ( 1 week)

  6. Prepare a summary of the estimated costs, including equipment and human resource costs, which will be incurred as a result of the accreditation process. (1 week)

  7. Establish mechanisms for the transition of STC towards the implementation of the Lebanese TVET system. (ongoing)

  8. Make concrete recommendations to PSO regarding strategies to meet the demands of the Lebanese TVET system and ways to efficiently bridge the two systems. (1 week)

  9. Identify optimal coordination and communication between PSO and STC in order to ensure an efficient implementation, including strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. (1 week)

Conditions and Timeframe:
The incumbent will be based in Beirut and is expected to travel to UNRWA VTCs in South and North Lebanon. The overall duration of the consultancy will be 3 months from the date of the signing of the contract.

The needs assessment draft report, covering current strengths, gaps, and policy recommendations to address the gaps, will be sent to PSO 2 weeks before the end of the contract. Upon feedback, a final report will be produced by the consultant. The report should be comprehensive and include an overview as well as the specific findings, analysis and recommendations aimed at adapting STC and its facilities to the requirements of accreditation.

Qualifications and Experience:

Essential: • Advanced University degree in the following disciplines: Education; Business Management; Economics; International Development; Social Studies. • At least 10 years of professional experience in vocational and technical management/education, preferably in TVET curriculum design. • Insight in international and regional trends and development in the area of TVET • Good knowledge of the Lebanese TVET system • Proven experience in conducting consultancies • Excellent command of written and spoken English. • Excellent analytical skills

Desirable: • Ability to work independently • Strong planning and organization skills • Working knowledge of Arabic • Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications

Reporting: Throughout the assignment the consultant will work under the overall guidance and will report to the Field Programme and Support Officer (FPSO). During the fulfillment of his work, the consultant will ensure regular communication with PSO prior to the delivery of expected results. The contractor shall ensure quality and timely delivery of the expected results and will regularly inform FPSO of the progress as well as any obstacles that might occur.

Remuneration: The contract will be processed and negotiated in accordance with UNRWA standard procedures for consultancy contracts.


The duration of this contract is 3 months

How to apply:

Insterested candidates to send their applications to n.fattoum@unrwa.org