
Market Researcher

Join the most passionate and visionary ed-tech team in Denmark and Bali. At Labster we are dedicated to revolutionizing education by developing next-generation virtual laboratories for science education. Whether or not you have a background in science and/or biotech, this is the opportunity to apply your skills in a business setting. Are you looking to develop your strengths in and learn about marketing, and/or educational game design? Then this is the project for you.
Who are we looking for?
  • Current Marketing Student (preferably 2nd or 3rd year of Bachelor’s studies)
  • Ideally the project is a part of your studies
  • Critical thinking and result-oriented approach
Market Research Project Tasks:
  • Perform market research
  • Competitor analysis (strengths and weaknesses, partners - universities and organizations, pricing, etc.)
  • Marketplace overview (market share)
  • Additional analyses
  • Labster’s positioning in the marketplace
  • Market leaders
  • Current trends and future prognosis
  • Requirements for becoming a market leader
Project outcome:
  • Duration approx. one month
  • Remote working is accepted
  • Expected outcome:
  • Suggestions for Labster based on rigorous data analysis
  • 30 min presentation + discussion of results
  • written report
What we offer:
  • Experience conducting detailed market research project in a specific marketplace
  • References and networking opportunities
Apply at http://www.labster.com/jobs/ (Market Researcher) with:
  • 1 page motivational letter. Structure it so it’s easy to read. Explain the motivation behind applying for this project
  • CV - only with relevant information
No deadline. Be fast. If you can’t choose “Market Researcher” anymore on the list atwww.labster.com/jobs the position has been filled.