
Consultancy - Subject Matter Experts (8) in Biodiversity Management


Location :
Application Deadline :
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Post Level :
International Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :
through 31 December 2014


By end-2013, some 140+ countries have accessed the GEF’s Biodiversity Enabling Activities (BD EA) with the aim of updating their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and fulfilling other related obligations under the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). The new generation of NBSAPs being now produced will be aligned with the Aichi Targets that were agreed upon by CBD Parties during the COP10 in Nagoya, as part of the CBD’s Strategic Plan.
This project relates to Aichi Target 17, which predicates the development, adoption and initial implementation of NBSAPs as effective policy instruments for biodiversity mainstreaming. Target 17 relates to all other Aichi Targets with respect to biodiversity policy development.
UNDP and UNEP are the two main GEF agencies for BD EA. They noted that countries that accessed GEF funds for preparing their Post-Nagoya NBSAPs count on uneven levels of technical support for the task, in spite of current and growing demand for support services within the framework of their BD EA. Most countries receive only basic technical and operational support, while others, in particular those that accessed GEF funding directly, receive no support at all. Yet, experience shows that support is vital for a successful outcome of policy-oriented projects.
Through close collaboration, UNDP and UNEP obtained GEF funding for a new and joint global initiative that will address the technical support issue and thereby make a key contribution to the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Target 17 at the global level. Refer to the approved UNPD-UNEP Medium Size Project (in the GEF’s page and to the complete MSP file).
The project, will cement the ‘NBSAP global partnership’, together with the CBD Secretariat, a key partner in the equation. It will also provide quality and focused technical support to all countries that have accessed—or will access—GEF resources for BD EA. An important mechanism for support provision in the context of this partnership is the NBSAP Forum.
Given its global nature, the project will be is implemented directly by UNDP, more specifically by the functional cluster ‘Ecosystem & Biodiversity’ (EBD) within UNDP-GEF. Project implementation will be carried out in close collaboration with UNEP, in particular with UNEP’s centre of excellence, World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), plus other relevant UNEP’ GEF division.
UNDP would like to engage 8 qualified consultants to carry out a number of tasks under the project, as described within this TOR.

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide expert input to key products and activities foreseen under the project’s Output 1.1, namely on the development of “Tools, methodologies, e-learning & guidance”; Output 1.5 particularly on “Climate change resilience guidance”; and Output 2.2 on “Webinars for guiding the NBSAP process”.
There are initially eight (08) assignments in question for subject matter experts, all of which are short-term with deliverables that must be produced more or less concomitantly. The assignments pertain to different themes within biodiversity and ecosystem management, which generically comprehend ‘protected areas’, ‘sustainable production and consumption’, ‘resilience’, ‘communication planning’ (i.e. ‘making the case’ for biodiversity and ecosystems) and ‘conservation finance’.
The following are the 8 themes / assignments: 
  • Effectively communicating the value of biodiversity;
  • Sustainable production, consumption; 
  • Sustainable commodity supply chains;
  • Identifying and mitigating direct pressures and threats to biodiversity and ecosystems;
  • Managing biodiversity, ecosystems and protected areas to maintain key ecosystem services;
  • Protected area finance;
  • Managing biodiversity, ecosystems and protected areas for genetic diversity, with an emphasis on food security;
  • Managing biodiversity, ecosystems and protected areas for national sustainable development (including at least food security, water security, livelihoods and disaster risk reduction).
Key tasks
UNDP is seeking expert consultants who can carry out the following tasks within their area(s) of expertise (as listed above) under the general theme ‘biodiversity and ecosystems management’:
  • Prepare an e-learning script (model and template will be provided);
  • Prepare a brief guide (approximately 24 – 36 pages), which may include photos, maps and other freely sharable media;
  • Identify and collate relevant training materials with due consideration for applicable copyrights (as the materials will be in the public domain);
  • Depending on the topic, conduct one or more 2-hour webinars for a global audience of interested NBSAP stakeholders; and
  • Liaise with the Project Coordinator and UNDP-GEF EBD Senior Technical Advisors responsible for the NBSAP / BD EA portfolio to: (i) identify relevant case studies from across UNDP’s network (key focus on the UNDP-GEF portfolio) for the subject matter of the theme in question; (ii) build a brief argument as to why the case study is relevant (e.g. my making explicit the linkages to priorities in UNDP’s new Strategic Plan, to NBSAPs, Aichi Targets or other relevant policy document or process); and (iii) using a specific template to be provided, fill-in key information on the case study.
Key Deliverables for each of the eight themes/assignments:
  • One E-learning script (approximately 3- 5 lessons each, of 30 slides each for a total of approximately 25,000 to 45,000 words);
  • One brief guide in MS Word (approximately 24 – 36 pages);
  • One or more 2-hour webinars and shared files containing training materials;
  • A comprehensive list of UNDP case studies, with due relevance argument formulated.
Time Frames
From June through 31 December 2014 for all assignments. Specific time frames for each of the assignments will be agreed upon prior to contract signature.
Key Performance Indicators
  • User-friendly, customizable tools and assessment methodologies, e-learning, voluntary templates and other guidance material, including for benchmarking the technical quality of NBSAP products before submission, are developed and widely applied in GEF-financed NBSAP development processes. They are primarily disseminated through the NBSAP Forum;
  • Capacity to Incorporate key issues into NBSAPs is strengthened through the NBSAP Forum.
Working Arrangements
  • The Consultants will be given access to relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment;
  • The Consultants will be responsible for providing her/his own working station (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to reliable internet connection;
  • Payments will be made upon submission of a certification of payment form, and acceptance on satisfactory delivery of services and outputs by Project Coordinator and confirmation by the EBD Senior Technical Advisor. ?


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP and the LDCF;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
  • Excellent writing and presentation skills, with experience writing e-learning scripts and short practitioner-oriented guides.
  • Works toward creative solutions by analysing problems carefully and logically – inspires and fosters innovation by highlighting innovative;
  • Shares knowledge and is willing to provide support to others who request advice or help;
  • Facilitates meetings effectively and efficiently;
  • Resolves conflicts as they arise.
Client Orientation
  • Sets priorities, produces quality outputs, meets deadlines and manages time efficiently;
  • Maintains strong relationships with partners and clients.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s degree in environmental management, biology, economics, social/political sciences, international relations, development studies, administration & management and/or other relevant field for biodiversity planning (5 points).
  • At least 8 years of work experience with consistent professional and/or academic specialization in issues of biodiversity management, in particular with a focus on policies and global processes (5 points);
  • Has extensive experience in capacity strengthening and training, and understands fundamental principles of adult education and capacity building (5 points);
  • Demonstrated experience in at least one of the 8 themes/subject matter for which the application is for (10 points);
  • Previous experience in preparing guidelines/design material (5 points).
Language requirements:
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English language. (5 points)
Application process:
  • Candidates must clearly indicate in a cover/motivation letter for which of the eight (08) themes the application is for, stating why s/he considers him/herself as a subject matter expert in the theme in question;
  • Candidates may apply for more than one assignment however separate applications (one for each) must be submitted for each theme, keeping in mind that products under all themes are expected more or less concomitantly;
  • Applications ought to include as a minimum a UNDP Personal History form (P11); it may optionally include a CV or résumé;
  • Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a written assessment and may be requested to submit, in due course, other documents including a financial offer.
Evaluation method:
  • Only those applications which are responsive and compliant will be evaluated;
  • Applicants must submit a duly completed and signed UNDP Personal History form (P11). Kindly note you can upload only one document to this application. Incomplete applications will not be considered;
  • Offers will be evaluated according to the Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications (35pts) and written assessment (max 30pts) will be weighted at 70% and the financial offer will be weighted at 30% (out of Max 100pts);
  • Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 24.5 points from the review of qualifications will be considered for the written assessment and financial evaluation;
  • Applicant receiving the Highest Combined Score and has accepted UNDP’s General Terms and Conditions will be awarded the contract.
General Conditions of Contract for the ICs: 

 UNDP Personal History form (P11) required of all applicants: 
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.