
Private Sector Campaign Strategist

2.5bn people have no access to a bank account. This global challenge requires global solutions and many organisations will need to work together. To address this, CARE International UK, Barclays and Plan UK are launching the Linking for Change Savings Charter which sets out international principles that will enable banks to responsibly provide products and services to savers in the developing world. We are now looking for someone to really build momentum and to manage interested supporters.
The charter has been drafted after a period of extensive consultation with key partners and already has warm support from senior players, having been discussed at Davos this year.
The Charter aims to:
1) Build a powerful global Alliance of 100 leading organisations, by 2015, who share the vision of this charter, agree and support or implement its principles
2) Receive commitment from corporate leaders to develop and roll out new savings products from poor communities in the developing world
3) Call for universal financial inclusion to be included in the post-2015 UN development framework
We are looking for a consultant to deliver the strategy to achieve the Charter, which will include implementation of the Linking for Change Savings Charter strategy to deliver 100 signatures for support for linking poor savers to formal institutions by 2015.
Assignment of the consultant
The main objective of the consultant will be to target and approach potential signatories, including global banks, private sector actors, foundations, donors and governments who can influence and/or facilitate responsible linking of poor people to formal financial institutions. The consultant will also provide a high level of account management for signatories to support them to implement the principles of the charter and to identify opportunities to promote the charter, including through side events, key global, regional and national conferences and fora such as the World Economic Forum, Clinton Global Initiative and Said Business School. The charter has an ambitious goal, which would really make a difference to people’s lives, and the consultant will play a vital role in delivering this.
We are looking for a senior consultant with 10-15 years’ experience of working in advocacy with companies and governments at a global level and who ideally possesses a good knowledge of the financial inclusion sector. The consultant will have excellent written, oral and digital communication skills; and experienced in working with complex multi stakeholder partnerships.
We are looking for a consultant who can start quickly and commit for 6 months, part-time.
For more information about how to apply and full Terms of Reference for this role please visit our websitewww.careinternational.org.uk/jobs.