
Program Coordinator - Tacloban

On the early morning of November 8th 2013, the category 5 Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda) struck the Philippines in its central region of Visayas, devastating areas in 36 provinces, affecting an estimated 14.1 million people, nearly 15 per cent of the country’s population among which 4.1 million are now displaced people (DSWD and NDRRMC, January 13th 2014). According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), the death toll has increased to 6,190 people. A total of 1.1 million houses are damaged, of which nearly 50 per cent are destroyed.
An early assessment conducted Tacloban and less accessible rural areas the rural municipalities nearby indicated that on average, 90% of the houses are destroyed and that access to water is limited in both quality and quantity. The UN has declared that the most immediate needs and threats to human life include the lack of safe drinking water and shelter, trauma injuries, disruption of medical services, lack of sufficient food, access to sanitation and personal hygiene items, and general household items and supplies.
To respond to immediate needs, Solidarites International (SI) started implementing emergency WASH activities in Tacloban in November and distributions of Hygiene, Water and emergency shelter kits in December to support rural affected populations. Cash transfers and sanitation activities have started later in January.
The Program Coordinator contributes to the development of Solidarités International strategy by proposing sector-based strategies for the programme activities.
He/she is the guarantor of the quality and suitability of proposed technical approaches and ensures the appropriateness between SI’s activities and general objectives and needs of the population.
He/she coordinates the project cycle, the timely implementation and more particularly the operational monitoring of programs implemented in the intervention country.
He/she contributes to the capitalization process and the improvement of Solidarités International methods and techniques.
He/she is in charge of the supervision of the operational monitoring and evaluation team and ensure the relevance of the results to incorporate in donors reports.
Specificities of the position
  • Arrival on the mission planned to be at a crucial moment for SI in the Philippines as two new FS programs could start almost at the same time (if DFID proposal submitted is validated) plus the fact of having to size the entire new fifteen months PCA in July and August 2014 (if HQ validates to go for it in the meantime),
  • Good working and living conditions and highly educated national staff on whom it is good to be able to rely on for professionalism and communication skills.
List of main tasks:
  • Strategic orientation
  • Relevance and quality of projects
  • Coordination, technical support and operational monitoring
  • Capitalization
  • Personnel management
  • Reporting / communication / representation
  • At least, 4 years of experience in the humanitarian aid sector (both emergency and/or development contexts) with a minimum of 2 years with SI,
  • At least one significant previous experience as a Program Coordinator (minimum 12 months),
  • At least 1 significant mission as a FS Program Manager and/or FS Coordinator,
  • At least, good notions of WaSH if never been dealing directly with WaSH related activities.
  • Hard working, pragmatic and reliable personal qualities mandatory,
  • Good notions of SI tools and internal regulations,
  • Technical skills on Food Security required, with previous experience in WASH an advantage,
  • Strong report writing skills
  • Strong communication and management skills .
  • Fluent English (written, spoken and read), essential for numerous external coordination and representation meetings with other NGOs, UN agencies, donors and governmental.
IT: Computer literacy with very good command of MS Office Suite.
Salaried post: According to experience from 2000 euros gross per month, plus 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly, and a monthly Per Diem of 500 USD.
Solidarités International will cover accommodation and travel expenses from the expatriate’s home country to the site of the assignment. Social and medical cover: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.
Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break every three months. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a 7-day break during the 3rd and the 9th month (with 500 euros allocated by Solidarités). He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 14-day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will cover travel costs).
MISSION DURATION: 3 months. Desired starting date (date of arrival in country): ASAP
Location : Tacloban, Leyte Province, Philippines
CONTACT:Pauline CARTERY, Recruitment & Follow Up Officer