
Evaluating Business Case for Organizing Smallholder Farmers around Robusta Coffee

PROJECT: Evaluating Business Case for Organizing Smallholder Farmers around Robusta Coffee
REPORTS TO: Côte d’Ivoire Country Director
DURATION: 8 weeks


TechnoServe is an international, non-profit economic development organization founded in 1968 out of a conviction that a vibrant private sector is an essential foundation for economic growth and poverty reduction. TechnoServe undertakes targeted, catalytic technical assistance and other programming to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs, businesses and industries that in-turn provide sustainable employment, inclusion of the poor and increased incomes. TechnoServe operates in 25 developing countries with over 1000 employees. A substantial portion of our work is in agriculture, enhancing farm productivity and commodity quality and addressing gaps in processing and other agribusiness capacities. Our programs increase smallholder access to new technologies, aggregation and storage mechanisms, markets, critical information and finance. TechnoServe also undertakes structured programs to identify and support high potential entrepreneurs in various sectors through leadership mentoring networks, formalization support, access to capital and development of sustainable business services such as accounting, finance, marketing and human resource management.


A Private Company has established a global program to grow its pipeline of high-quality green Robusta coffee. The company seeks to obtain increased production targets by training smallholder farmers to more productively grow the coffee. The company is engaging TechnoServe to assess the business case for organizing farming cooperatives around high-quality Robusta coffee using their agronomy methodology. Follow-on opportunities are available if study is completed successfully.


The assessment will evaluate the structure of farmer organization in coffee in the target regions, the timing and expected levels of yield improvements using the company’s agronomy method, and the cost/benefit of operating coffee farming cooperatives to the smallholders.


• Evaluate structure of farmer organizations in target region (% organized around coffee and their level of competency)
• Evaluate farmer attitudes towards high-quality Robusta production among farmers
• Identify financial institutions willing to support farmers growing Robusta coffee
• Evaluate cost to farmers of implementing new agronomic method
• Evaluate likely rate of adoption of new agronomic methods by farmers
• Evaluate likely yield improvements during project implementation in consultation with agronomists
• Calculate likely production volumes during implementation period
• Evaluate opportunity cost to farmers of participating in the program
• Determine number of trainers needed to achieve production goals.
• Develop proposed modifications to the implementation plan based on results.


Produce draft presentations for internal working discussions and then a final report in Microsoft PowerPoint. All final materials will be submitted in three hard copies and one electronic version.

Final product to be:
• A report that explains in detail the business case for organizing farmers around high quality Robusta production.
• An Annex in Microsoft Word, Excel and/or in PDF format containing the following:
o Any survey data collected
o Excel models developed
o List of contacts interviewed
All documents, including the final report will be prepared in French.


• Understanding of market-based approach to development
• Demonstrated knowledge of agricultural value chains in West Africa
• Ability to influence senior stakeholders on program team
• Ability to structure and manage complex tasks
• Excellent networking and relationship-building skills
• Excellent analytical skills
• Ability to work independently – and take initiative
• Superior writing skills
• French fluency required


Daily rate to be negotiated on an individual basis.


Technoserve, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.