
Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists

for projects in Africa and Asia

NIRAS is looking for experienced Water Sector Specialists for projects in both Africa and Asia.
NIRAS is an international company and has a number of offices across Europe and a network of offices in Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America, which support our global operations. Our decentralized structure, global scope and local presence ensure that we always stay close to our projects.
NIRAS is one of the largest European consultancy companies in the field of development cooperation. We specialize in the management and implementation of complex, long term and short term development projects on behalf of clients such as MFA, ADB, AfDB, DANIDA, EU, SIDA, and the World Bank.
Areas of expertise/experts needed are:
  • WSS engineers (water supply and sewerage/sanitation) 
  • Hydrologist/Hydrogeologists
  • Sociologists/Anthropologists
  • Economist/Water Sector Planners
  • HRD/Training specialists
Requirements for Applicants
Interested consultants are required to have a minimum of 10 years WSS experience from developing countries and in specific working experience with donor financed (EU and bilateral) projects.
Working with decentralized implementation, community participation and working knowledge of French or Portuguese would be an additional advantage - however not necessary.
Application instructions
Interested consultants/specialists' updated CV should also be registered here http://cv.niras.com/register.
Additionally, (not alternatively) CVs can be submited via e-mail to Claes Clifford ccl@niras.dk with CC to bcb@niras.dkisc@niras.dk and kol@niras.dk.