
Consultant (Migration Policy Research and Mapping for Angola)

Realization of a Migration Policy Research and Mapping for Angola and Support to the Organization and Facilitation of Multi-disciplinary National Migration Policy Consultation and Validation Workshops
Angola presents unique migration challenges owing to its post war reconstruction, geography, predominantly urban population, and the porosity of its border areas. Until the end of the civil war in 2002, migration in Angola was mostly defined by internal displacements and by the exodus of refugees to neighboring countries and beyond. The establishment of peace and the sustained economic growth has durably altered the patterns of mobility within, to, and from the country. Massive emigration made way for the return of hundreds of thousands of nationals, the resettlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs), and the flocking of regular and irregular international labor migrants alike.
Against these, the Government of Angola (GoA) has identified the need to integrate and support the legislative framework that currently governs and regulates migration by developing a specific national policy that is able to provide strategic orientation in addressing the challenges and opportunities of the new migration dynamics experienced in the country, and in so doing increase the impact and benefit of migration to national development. The Ministry of the Interior (MININT) has set up a Ministerial technical commission (Comissão da Política Migratória) composed of a core group of Service for Migration and Foreigners (SME) technical staff to develop the policy document, and lead the consultations with all the government actors involved.
At the request of the MININT, IOM will provide guidance and technical support to build the capacity of the commission in order to better prepare them to draft a comprehensive and evidence-based policy document in accordance with regional and international standards, that will enhance the coordination of efforts around the four pillars of migration management: migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and forced migration.
Activities will be integrated to the ongoing works of the commission and will include: the realization of a research that will map key stakeholders’ capacities and needs, resources available, as well as organize a comparative literature and policy analysis on countries with similar migration contexts; extensive capacity building for the commission through a series of migration management workshops, and exposure to implemented best policy practices; the facilitation of multi-disciplinary technical consultation and validation meetings; technical support for the initiation of the drafting of the policy through regular technical commission meetings; and participation to the national public consultation organized by the MININT.
Core functions/Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the Chief of Mission, in close coordination with the Project Coordinator and theProgramme Support Officer, and in support to MININT’s Comissão da Política Migratória; the Consultantwill be responsible for therealization of a migration policy research and mapping for Angola, and for supporting the organization and facilitation of multi-disciplinary consultation and validation workshops.
Expected Results:
  • Within the Migration Policy Research and Mapping for Angola:
o A full research report in Portuguese (Maximum 40 pages) with summary of key findings and specific recommendations for key stakeholders, with aims to inform and prioritize sub-topics of interest for the initiation of the draft of the national migration policy for Angola, and to be presented during the multi-disciplinary consultation. The report will provide among others:
§ A mapping of all key stakeholders capacities and needs in regards to migration policy in Angola;
§ A mapping of migration policy resources available to MININT/SME, and a recommended list of relevant library/documents procurement;
§ A critical review of migration-related law in Angola;
§ A review of the current bilateral and multilateral frameworks governing migration management that Angola has ratified, and their implementation status;
§ A comparative literature and international migration policy analysis.
  • Within the Multi-disciplinary Consultation and Validation Workshops:
o Provision of support for the organization and facilitation of the multi-disciplinary consultation workshop, including:
§ Before the workshop:
· Seek advance inputs from key institutional stakeholders on the findings and recommendations of the migration policy research and mapping report;
· Draft consultation papers, background notes, and other consultation materials for the workshop;
§ During the workshop:
· Present findings and recommendations from the Migration Policy Research and Mapping report;
· Facilitate exchanges of opinions and views from participants, and the preparation of a final declaration on way forward by participants;
§ After the workshop:
· Prepare a report summarizing the consultation methodology, participants and stakeholders opinions and views exchanged, and the final declaration on way forward;
o Provision of support for the organization and facilitation of the multi-disciplinary validation workshop, including:
§ Before the workshop:
· Seek advance inputs from key institutional stakeholders on the advanced draft of the national migration policy for Angola;
· Draft consultation papers, background notes, and other consultation materials for the workshop;
§ During the workshop:
· Facilitate exchanges of opinions and views from participants, and the preparation of a final declaration on validation and way forward by participants;
§ After the workshop:
· Prepare a report summarizing the consultation methodology, participants and stakeholders opinions and views exchanged, and the final declaration on validation and way forward;
The consultancy consists of two non-consecutive assignments of a total of 5 months over a period of time of 10 months:
  • The assignment for the realization of the Migration Policy Research and Mapping for Angola is expected to be of duration of 3 consecutive months upon the start of the project implementation.
  • The assignment for the support to the organization and facilitation of the Multi-disciplinary Consultation workshop is expected to be of duration of 1 month, back to back with the first assignment.
  • The assignment for the support to the organization and facilitation of the Multi-disciplinary Validation Workshop is expected to be of duration of 1 month, ten months into the project implementation.
Desirable Competencies
a) Takes responsibility and manages constructive criticism; b) works effectively with all clients and stakeholders; c) promotes continuous learning, communicates clearly; d) takes initiative and drives high levels of performance management; e) plans work, anticipates risks, and sets goals within area of responsibility; f) displays mastery of subject matter; g) contributes to a collegial team environment; h) incorporates gender-related needs, perspectives, and concerns, and promotes equal gender participation; i) displays awareness of relevant technological solutions; j) works with internal and external stakeholders to meet resource needs of IOM.
a) Delivers on set objectives in hardship situations and under tight deadlines; b) effectively coordinates actions with other implementing partners; c) works effectively with local authorities, stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the broader community to advance country office and regional objectives.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
a) At least Graduate University education level in Law, International Relations, International Development, Political Science, Social Science, or an equivalent combination of training and experience; b) at least 5 years of international experience in policy review and/or development, including report writing, with progressively increasing responsibilities; c) knowledge of Angolan and Southern Africa socioeconomic and administrative realities an advantage; d) proven experience with migration and humanitarian issues; d) advanced computer literacy, including internet and pack office.
Thorough knowledge of English and Portuguese is required.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should send their application by 31 May 2014 by email to IOMLuanda@iom.int specifying “Consultancy on Migration Policy for Angola” in the subject line. Application should consist of:
  • Curriculum Vitae, and contact details of two references,
  • A sample of two recent and relevant research writings,
  • A brief proposal (max 3 pages) detailing how the research will be conducted, including methodology, timeline, and a detailed budget (price proposal should be in USD and should follow the sampled pricing template provided below).
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.