
Legal intern at UNHCR

UNHCR seeks two interns: one to start late May/early June 2014; the other to start in August 2014
The proposed internship lasts for a period of six months and is unpaid.
The intern will participate in the various activities of the Legal Unit of the Regional Representation for Western Europe. In particular s/he will contribute to the following tasks.
  1. Monitoring legislative and policy developments on asylum matters at the national (Luxembourg/Belgium) level.
  2. Legal analysis.
  3. Drafting reports, correspondence, internal documents, comments, and responses to information requests.
  4. Researching information, among others, on asylum matters and countries of origin.
Required Qualifications: Masters degree in law. Previous relevant experience in refugee matters or human rights is an asset.
Excellent communication skills in English, French and Dutch together with excellent drafting skills in these three languages, or at least in English and French.
How to apply:
Your CV and covering letter should be sent by email by 20 May 2014 latest to: belbr@unhcr.org. It is important to mention in the subject of your email either Legal Unit Internship June 2014 (French), or Legal Unit Internship August 2014.