
Monitoring, Learning and Funding Manager

****Contract Grade****: B €32,490 - €39,723 with benefits
****Contract Length****: 18 months
****Date Needed By****: June 2014
****New Post or Replacement****: New post (but replacing A Grade Monitoring & Learning Officer)
****Accompanied / Unaccompanied****: Unaccompanied
****Exact Job Location****: Initially Goz Beida, Chad. This position could be relocated either to another field location within Chad or to N’Djamena depending on programme developments
****Reports To****: Assistant Country Director Programmes
****Responsible For****: Senior M&E Officer,
****Liaises With****: Area Coordinator(s), Programme Managers, General Systems Manager, Country Financial Controller, Country Director, HR Manager
****Job Purpose:**** To coordinate the programme team and support teams in the development of high quality funding proposals. In collaboration with the General Systems Manager (GSM) and the Country Financial Controller (CFC) ensure that programme teams have adequate and relevant resources and systems to implement programmes in full donor compliance. Work with programme teams to develop and advise on the implementation of robust monitoring systems. Lead the programme team through systematic review of programme and other data leading to documented lessons learnt and programme adaptations where necessary. Manage Concern’s donor, internal and governmental reporting requirements. Act as a focal point for Concern’s research partnership and ensure the timely delivery and accurate data specifically relating to market monitoring and the early warning system. Lead the operational implementation of programme evaluations.
****Main Duties & Responsibilities:****
  • Assist the Assistant Country Director Programmes (ACD-P) and Country Director (CD) in monitoring funding trends relevant to Chad, identifying possible funding opportunities and updating the funding strategy accordingly.
  • Work with programme teams to establish whether potential funding is feasible operationally and in line with broader programmatic aims and make subsequent recommendations to senior management.
  • Manage proposal development processes, ensuring the participation of all programme teams and support systems departments where necessary.
  • Establish workplans and clear roles and responsibilities in order to produce quality proposals on time ensuring adequate technical and desk review in Head Office.
  • Provide a quality check on proposals paying particular attention to M&E aspects, Concern Chad’s strategic and programmatic aims, mainstreaming activities (HIV&AIDS, gender etc), the wider organisation’s policies and the donor guidelines.
  • Under the supervision of the ACDP and Area Coordinator, organise and lead planning workshops at the start of each new contract, ensuring that all relevant staff understand donor specific compliance issues and ensuring that roles & responsibilities and activity plans (including procurement and HR recruitment) are established
  • Manage Concern Chad’s internal and external reporting schedule, ensuring that the organisation is meeting the highest standards of donor compliance.
  • Manage the production of donor reports and internal reports, ensuring that programme teams and support teams are aware of their roles and responsibilities to meet donor and Head Office requirements and have the necessary tools and resources to do so.
  • Ensure that donor reports are produced to a high standard and respond to donor requirements.
  • Produce internal reports in a timely manner and share appropriately.
  • Compile reports to the Government of Chad according to the requirements set out in Concern’s Protocol d’Accord.
  • Assist the Country Management Team to develop country specific papers and reports as the need arises.
  • Ensure that Concern Chad continues to have robust monitoring systems in place to provide relevant data for donor requirements and internal learning.
  • Undertake periodic reviews of the global monitoring framework ensuring the appropriateness of monitoring tools.
  • Support the PMs in the review of monitoring documentation relating to programme activities including (but not limited to): training and distribution reports, SMART survey reports, KAP reports and Barrier Analysis reports.
  • Support the programmes in the expansion of the use of digital data collection.
  • Support the Programme Managers (PMs) in designing data collection tools ensuring they meet donor requirements.
*Learning & Knowledge Management:*
  • Lead the implementation of Concern Chad’s Results Based Management System ensuring periodic reviews of programme data translates into documented learning that is embedded in programmes, leads to programme adaptations where necessary and contributes to institutional knowledge.
  • Produce publication-quality documents based on Concern Chad’s programmatic learning that can be shared within the wider humanitarian community.
  • Act as a focal point for Concern’s research partnership which includes but is not limited to ensuring the timely flow of necessary information to Concern Chad’s partner university researchers (e.g. coping strategy index and market data) and leading the operational implementation of evaluations and other cross programme studies.
  • Assist with operational research including supporting the undertaking of surveys and focus group discussions and other data collection.
  • Ensure the collection of lessons learned from programmes and their dissemination within Concern Chad and that they feed back into programme design.
  • Maintain complete and clearly organised files, hard copy and soft copy on the server, for all relevant programme documentation, in particular all documents relating to donors.
  • Support the PMs and the AC in the management of programme and support files (hard and soft copy).
  • Provide guidelines and support to all staff regarding hard and soft copy filing and archive protocols and the use of the server.
  • Ensure that programme proposals and monitoring, learning and evaluation activities reflect Concern’s accountability commitments.
  • In collaboration with the Assistant Country Director - Programmes and the Area Coordinator, ensure that there are robust systems to monitor the progress of the Country Programme against Concern’s commitments in the country accountability framework and compile relevant reports.
  • Ensure the highest stands of accountability through ensuring good communication and information sharing within and outside the programme and enabling staff, beneficiary and other stakeholder participation at all stages of the project cycle.
  • Support and promote the standards outlined in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct to their team, partner organisations and beneficiaries, and be committed to providing a safe working environment.
  • Contribute to the establishment of preventive measures to reduce the potential for abuse in Concern’s programme (as per P4 section 6).
  • Adhere to the standards of conduct outlined in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and Concern Code of Conduct.
*Capacity Building:*
  • Design, plan and implement a capacity building plan for all relevant Concern Chad staff on key elements of the different components of monitoring, learning and funding.
*People Management:*
  • Manage the relevant staff to create an environment conducive to a proficient and effective implementation of the set activities in order to strengthen the decision making capacities of Chad national staff.
  • Lead and manage staff, contributing to their capacity building and career development, with the objective of developing the individuals but also to create and support a strong senior national staff team within Concern.
  • Provide technical support and on-going on-the-job training and coaching to staff, including in particular a thorough induction at the start of their contract, and coaching and on-the-job training on an ongoing basis.
  • Ensure that all positions have accurate job descriptions and that each member of the team fully understands outcomes which are expected of them, by setting SMART objectives, and that they are aware of the success criteria relating to their work.
  • Monitor and review performance and hold staff accountable for meeting the success criteria; give constructive feedback on an ongoing basis where required and take decisive action in the case of poor performance. Conduct regular PDR processes for the managed staff.
  • Ensure that work within the team is planned and organised in a way which will meet the organisation’s needs in the most cost effective manner possible; ensuring that team members are given appropriate workloads and are working efficiently.
  • Identify and take appropriate action to fill resource gaps (create new roles or launch timely recruitment to replace a leaver).
  • Ensure that every member of the team is aware of, understands and complies with all of Concern’s policies and procedures (P4, finance, logistics, HR, security management etc).
  • Attend cluster and other coordination meetings at the request of the AC or ACD-P
  • Actively participate in collective exercises such as preparation or updates of Preparing for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) plan, Security Management Plan (SMP) and other Concern initiatives.
  • Take active measures to address equality issues, particularly relating to gender, in programme as well as operational (eg HR) activities.
  • Be aware of, understand and comply with all of Concern’s policies and procedures (P4, finance, logistics, HR, security management etc).
  • Contribute to ongoing security management and planning as necessary.
  • Actively participate in any emergency response if called upon to do so (within the existing programme area or in a new one).
  • Undertake other related duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Country Director or the ACD-P.
****Education, Qualifications & Experience Required****:
  • Higher honours degree (1.1/ 2.1 or equivalent) in development or humanitarian studies or similar field.
  • At least three years relevant experience in the development/ humanitarian sector with at least one of those years being field based.
  • Proven experience in proposal and report writing.
  • Proven experience in managing M&E systems.
  • Experience in managing staff.
  • Experience in managing budgets.
  • Experience of managing at least two of EUROPAID, ECHO, USAID/OFDA, DFID or Irish Aid funding.
Special Skills, Aptitude or Personality Requirements:
  • Fully fluent in English and a solid working knowledge of French both verbal and written.
  • Ability to build productive working relationships across a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team.
  • A positive “can-do”, solution orientated attitude.
  • Flexibility, adaptability, good sense of humour and patience.
  • Excellent writing and editing skills.
  • Ability to organize and prioritize workload.
  • Ability to cope with stress, work under pressure often to strict deadlines.
  • Self-motivated, progressive and proactive.
  • Ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team
  • Methodical and thorough with a keen sense of detail.
  • Cross cultural awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences.
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office.
****Education, Qualifications & Experience Required****:
  • Master’s Degree in Development/ Humanitarian field.
  • Familiar with project cycle management.
  • Familiar with programming in emergency, nutrition and health, WASH, food security and/or livelihoods sectors.
  • Experience with digital data collection and database management.
  • Experience with hardcopy and electronic filing and archive management
  • Experience of working in Chad or the Sahel.
How to apply:
All applications should be submitted through our website at https://jobs.concern.net by closing date. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.
All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline.
****Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.****
Concern has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents of both the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and the Programme Participant Protection Policy and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these two documents.
Concern receives a substantial amount of funding from external donors each year. Increasingly donors are introducing requirements whereby future funding is conditional on Concern ensuring that the names of any new employee or volunteer do not appear on terrorism lists generated by the European Union (List of person, groups and entities to which Regulation (EC No. 2580/2001 applies), the US Government (Office of Foreign Assets Control list of specially designated Nationals and Blocked Persons) and the United Nations (Consolidated List). Any offer of employment (either paid or voluntary) with Concern Worldwide will not be made pending a clearance check being conducted on the applicant. For additional information please consult our web site or contact the Human Resource Division in our Head Office.
Concern Worldwide is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.