
Programme and Operations Officer Grade: P.3

Technical Cooperation Programme: Special Action Programme to combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL)

Centralised or Decentralised Project: Decentralised and centralised projects

This is a Technical Cooperation position therefore the recruitment process falls outside Annex 1 of the ILO Staff Regulations. Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A one-year fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.

The following are eligible to apply:

- Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.

- External candidates.

The Office is a non-smoking environment.


The official will work as team member of the Special Action Programme to combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL) which is a technical cooperation programme under the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. SAP-FL's vision is to be a global centre of excellence on modern forms of forced labour, trafficking and slavery-like practices. The objectives of the SAP-FL are to document the incidence of forced labour, to conduct studies and surveys, and to build national and international consensus to support the eradication of forced labour. SAP-FL provides technical assistance to field-based interventions concerned with the release and rehabilitation of forced labour victims, legislation and law enforcement, and prevention of forced labour in the longer term.

In 2012, SAP-FL received new funding from the Government of Ireland to implement field-based and global projects on eliminating forced labour and trafficking (GLO/11/64/IRL). The official will provide a) technical support to the development of global products (e.g. research, guidance and training tools) and b) backstopping support to country-based projects funded under the Irish Partnership Agreement, with special focus on Africa.

Reporting lines: The official will be supervised by the head of SAP-FL.
Description of Duties

a. Provide technical backstopping services for the implementation and monitoring of several technical cooperation projects in Africa. Monitor projects and report on their progress to the relevant donors. Maintain contact with donor representatives and undertake visits to donor organisations.

b. Undertake missions to field projects for the purpose of providing technical advice to the ILO constituents and other actors. In the context of the above mentioned projects, reinforce partnerships and promote coordinated and effective action on fundamental principles and rights at work, and forced labour more specifically.

c. Support local resource mobilization by designing and drafting result oriented project proposals in line with ILO strategic outcomes, DCWPs and Outcome based work plans. Review and adjust project proposals to ensure consistency with national and regional priorities.

d. Assist the head of SAP-FL in identifying donor priorities, exchange information required for project formulation with donor agency representatives and follow up on donor negotiations.

e. In the context of SAP-FL's global technical cooperation programme, undertake research and analysis on economic issues concerning forced labour and trafficking and provide inputs and recommendations on the technical quality of SAP-FL's research outputs, in particular with regards to the economic analysis of forced labour problems.

f. Through his/her participation in the above mentioned projects, contribute with proposals and technical advice to the development of DECLARATION research and knowledge sharing work (guidelines, working papers, case studies etc.).

g. Participate in training seminars and workshops as a resource person; prepare reports, training material and presentations in the context of the above mentioned technical cooperation projects.

h. Participate in missions on behalf of DECLARATION/SAP-FL at international, regional and national meetings and present ILO's work on forced labour and trafficking.

i. Carry out other related duties as assigned.
Required Qualifications

Advanced university degree in economics or related social sciences.

Five years of international professional experience, including research, planning, management and implementation of technical cooperation projects.

Excellent command of English and working knowledge of one of the other working languages of the Organization would be an advantage.

- Proven ability to draft project documents and research reports of high quality.
- Excellent analytical skills.
- Ability to communicate effectively with HQ and field structures, ILO constituents and external partners.
- Ability to justify requirements and to solve problems effectively.
- Ability to work on own initiative as well as member of a team.
- Ability to deal with people with diplomacy and discretion.
- Ability to adapt to change and to propose action accordingly.
- Sensitive to diversity.


Grade: P.3
Salary and post adjustment (with dependants) US$
Salary Minimum 60091
rising to Maximum 80521
Post adjustment for Geneva Minimum 63816

Maximum 85513
Salary and post adjustment (without dependants) US$
Salary Minimum 56091
Maximum Maximum 74859
Post adjustment for Geneva Minimum 59568

Maximum 79500

Please note that the above salary levels are determined according to the criteria established by the International Civil Service Commission. The ILO is international public sector employer and salary and other employment conditions are not negotiable.

Other allowances and benefits subject to specific terms of appointment:
  • Children's allowance (except for the first child if the dependent rate of salary is paid in respect of that child);
  • Children's education grant (per child per year);
  • Pension and Health Insurance schemes;
  • 30 working days' annual leave;
  • Assignment Grant;
  • Entitlement to transport expenses of personal effects;
  • Repatriation Grant;
  • Home-leave travel with eligible dependants every two years;
  • Rental subsidy (if applicable).

Recruitment is normally made at the initial step in the grade.
The Director-General reserves the right to appoint candidates at one level below the grade of the advertised post.
Salaries and emoluments are exempt from taxation by the Swiss authorities and, on the basis of international agreements or national law relating to presence or residence abroad, are generally exempt from taxation by other governments. In the absence of exemption, in most cases tax paid will be reimbursed in accordance with an ILO document which will be supplied upon request.

While the successful candidate will be initially working in Geneva, he/she may be assigned to any duty station designated by the Director-General of the ILO.

Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form.
To apply, please visit ILO's e-Recruitment website at: erecruit.ilo.org. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
The ILO does not charge any fee at any stage of the recruitment process whether at the application, interview, processing or training stage. Messages originating from a non ILO e-mail account - @ilo.org - should be disregarded. In addition, the ILO does not require or need to know any information relating to the bank account details of applicants.

Depending on the location and availability of candidates, assessors and interview panel members, the ILO may use communication technologies such as Skype, Video or teleconference, e-mail, etc for the assessment and evaluation of candidates at the different stages of the recruitment process, including assessment centres, technical tests or interviews.