
Associate or Assistant Professor, International politics of the environment or resources

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, invites applications for a full-time position at the rank of associate professor or assistant professor in international politics of the environment or resources starting on 1 February 2015 or on a mutually agreed upon date.
The search is open to candidates with a broad specialisation in International Relations and research agendas related toconflict/security and environment/resources, the political economy of environmental regulations and governance, energypolitics, knowledge, and private authority, among others.
We seek candidates with superior promise documented by original and rigorous scholarship. For an appointment at thelevel of assistant professor, candidates should demonstrate publication prospects and relevant teaching skills; at the startof activity, the selected candidate must have been awarded a PhD. For an appointment at the level of associate professor,candidates should have an excellent record of publications and teaching. In both cases, capacity to collaborate withcolleagues from other disciplines is an asset.
All candidates must be able to supervise Master’s and Doctoral theses and to teach graduate students in both disciplinaryand interdisciplinary programs, including general courses in International Relations or Comparative Politics, courses inmethods and in their area of specialisation.
The teaching language is either English or French. Prior knowledge of French is not required, but the successful candidateis expected to acquire at least a passive knowledge of it within two years of her/his hiring.
Applications, including a motivation letter, a detailed curriculum vitae and a list of publications – but excluding letters of recommendation and publication samples – must reach the Director, preferably by email (director@graduateinstitute.ch) or by post (the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, P.O. Box 136, 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland),by 15 April 2014.
Information on employment conditions can be obtained by inquiring through the same contact details.
The Institute reserves the right to fill the post by invitation at any time.
For more information, candidates are encouraged to consult the Institute’s website: http://graduateinstitute.ch/open_positions