
Manager, Sector Regulation

April 2014 will see the official launch of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the successor body to the Competition Commission and the Office of Fair Trading. This new organisation will build on the existing work of the UK competition authorities to promote competition, within and outside the UK. Our mission is to make markets work well in the interests of consumers, businesses and the economy. We have set ourselves the goal of becoming even better - as a world-leading competition and consumer authority. For those who join us at this formative time it offers a uniquely exciting professional opportunity.
This role is part of the “Sector Regulation Unit” that helps to promote competition in the UK’s regulated sectors – i.e. energy, water and sewerage, telecoms, broadcasting, post, rail, airports and air traffic services, health services in England, and financial services. These sectors provide essential services for everyone in the country, and are of key importance to the national economy. Pricing and service standards – and competition - in these sectors are a matter of fundamental importance to individuals and businesses, and are the subject of considerable public and political interest.
You will play a key role promoting competition and combating anti-competitive behaviour, across the regulated sectors, supporting the whole Unit. It involves analysis and support to enable the Unit to have a better understanding of how the regulated sectors work. You will spot opportunities for market openings and liberalisation that could result in more competitive outcomes as well as identifying market dysfunctions such as barriers to entry and expansion, barriers to customer switching; and anti-competitive practices. Also you will assist the Unit in liaising with other sector regulators, through the UK Competition Network (a forum consisting of the CMA and regulators with competition powers) and bilaterally.
You will contribute to a range of projects both within CMA and working with sector regulators to share expertise, enhance joint capacity and support a cohesive and effective approach to shaping policy.
A background in industrial economics, sector regulation or a sponsoring department for a regulated sector or competition law – while not essential – would be helpful.
We expect that you will be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of competition policy principles, with particular emphasis on how these are applied within regulated sectors. The ability to work with a wide range of parties, with tenacity and empathy, recognising different motivations and agendas will be a valuable asset.
To find out more about working for the CMA and to apply, please go to:www.gov.uk/government/organisations/competition-and-markets-authority/about/recruitment
Closing date for applications: 31st March 2014
We are an equal opportunities employer.