
PhD scholarships for women graduates 2014

University of Surrey

Marion Redfearn Trust at the University of Surrey
Are you an outstanding UK-born female scholar looking to do a PhD?
Do you want to research in Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or Audio/Psychoacoustic Engineering?
The Marion Redfearn Trust at the University of Surrey was established to encourage female postgraduate students to gain a postgraduate qualification in traditionally male dominated subject areas. To be eligible for the scheme you should meet the following criteria:
-  Female and born in the UK
-  Have at least one degree gained at a UK university (applicants could be in their final year of the degree when applying)
-  Have demonstrated academic merit in the past and, in the opinion of the reviewing committee be capable of demonstrating academic merit in the future.
-  Be enrolled or accepted as full-time student on a PhD programme in Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or Audio/Psychoacoustic Engineering commencing on 1st October 2014.
Funding The Scholarship provides three years of funding covering home fees and a stipend (£13,863 pa for 2014/15) for eligible students.
Informal enquiries or requests for information about the scheme and the University’s doctoral programmes in Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics and Physics can be made to Janette Reffell, Postgraduate Research Officer, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences at j.d.reffell@surrey.ac.uk
Enquiries about Audio/Psychoacoustic Engineering can be made to Tony Myatt, Subject Leader in Sound Recording, Faculty of Arts & Human Sciences at t.myatt@surrey.ac.uk.
For more information about the Marion Redfearn Trust Scholarship scheme please visit:www.surrey.ac.uk/research/MRT
Closing date for applications: Friday 11th April 2014