
LECTURER/SENIOR LECTURER In Educational Management and Administration

(POST NO. 0895)

& the closing date is 20 May 2011

April 19, 2011


Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations.


Applicant must possess a PhD or a minimum of Masters Degree in Educational Management including a course in staff appraisal. Computer literacy will be an added advantage for distant learning. The candidate should have taught at post primary schools at least for 5 years. Having taught at tertiary level for at least 3 years will be an added advantage. The candidate should also have done a course in research methods at under-graduate level or/and at post-graduate level.
The incumbent will be expected to promote academic and professional development of education students through teaching and research. The incumbent will supervise Masters Degree dissertations, deliver lectures and assess students at under-graduate and post-graduate levels. From time to time , the Head of Department and the Dean of the Faculty will assign the incumbent work. The incumbent will also supervise students on teaching practice.
The University offers competitive salaries and other benefits. The terms and conditions are on contract for expatriates and permanent and pensionable for locals.
Other information
In their applications, applicants should state their qualifications, experience and provide other information to the University to determine their suitability for the position. They should also quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide CVs (including telephone, telefax and email), and certified copies of educational certificates. Applicants should inform their three referees to submit their references directly to the Director, Human Resources, before the stipulated date to the following address, National University of Lesotho, P. O. Roma, Roma, 180 ordhr@nul.ls. The closing date for receiving the applications is the 20 th May 2011.