
Consultancy for the collection and analysis of materials produced and used for the delivery of business development services

Location information: GBAO

Identify business service providers that offer services to clients in Tajikistan through a combination of desk research, in-person interviews, and personal recommendations.
Make contact, in cooperation with MSDSP RED field staff, with business service providers to make specific inquiries about their services.
Identify and comment on the potential for growth within the business service provider industry, weak links preventing growth of the industry, affordability of services provided, and models of support that have worked for providers in the past.
Make recommendations regarding 3year strategies and suggested models for promoting enterprise activities relating to business service providers.
How to apply
Applications, including curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter and 2 reference letters, should be sent by e-mail to MSDSP:
at anorgul.navjuvonova@akdn.org;