
Consultancy on Value Chain Analyses

Location information: GBAO,Rasht, Khatlon

Identify market demand and market trends, price variation based on season, quality and other factors, current and potential distribution channels, and trade issues in Tajikistan.
Determine the current volumes of production, amount available for trade, seasonal volume variations in trade, other uses (consumption, other markets). Assess the financial viability (profitability to market actors including producers, traders and consolidators, and final buyers) of the markets.
Indentify the potential growth of the market in Tajikistan and potential for exporting abroad
Gather and identify needs of value chain actors to enable them to access high-value value chains including technical information such as production techniques and post-processing technologies
Make recommendations regarding 3 year strategies and suggested models for promoting enterprise activities relating to chosen subsectors.
How to apply
Applications, including curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter and 2 reference letters, should be sent , by e-mail to MSDSP:
at anorgul.navjuvonova@akdn.org;