
Coordinator of the CPS “Great Lakes” regional programme Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH)

Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH)
Development cooperation – the challenge you are looking for?

You know that development processes come into being and grow as a result of direct interaction between people. You are looking for a challenge that focuses on issues and needs relating to people, organisations and communities. You have extensive expertise in human rights and peace work. If this is the case, we can offer you a new challenge in the field of development cooperation:

Coordinator of the CPS “Great Lakes” regional programme
# 2654
Stemming violence without military means, helping civil forces within society to resolve conflicts by peaceful means: this is the idea behind the Civil Peace Service (CPS).
The Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) has a long history of ongoing conflict, although the situation has changed since 2001 as a result of peace agreements, democratic initiatives and, ultimately, democratic elections. In spite of these positive signals, a lasting peace has yet to take hold. This is because of continued conflict caused by a shortage of land, the existence of abundant raw materials, a weak government, a large number of rebel groups and mutual intolerance between ethnic population groups.

In this situation, AGEH aims to help establish a fair and lasting development and democratisation process in the Great Lakes region by strengthening and standardising central areas of peace work: local and cross-border reconciliation initiatives, measures encouraging awareness and advocacy of peace work, and civil conflict management and democracy promotion.

The programme also focuses on peaceful intervention in conflicts about resources, land and forest usage rights, on promoting equal rights for all sexes and generations and on encouraging participation by previously excluded population groups. CPS coordination is instrumental in improving the cooperation with CPS partner organisations in the Great Lakes region. Key instruments in this regard are interaction and consulting, both when preparing CPS cooperations and when implementing and following up CPS measures. The organisation’s work also involves promoting regional initiatives and actively networking partner organisations with one another and with other national and international players in the region. Partners’ concerns with regard to peace work should be incorporated to an even greater extent within the North-South dialogue; similarly, it is also necessary to support international lobby and advocacy work and to bolster PR activities in Germany.

Your tasks:

In consultation with the AGEH office, you will manage the CPS “Great Lakes” regional programme. On an organisational and technical level, you will be the coordinator of and central contact for a team of up to thirteen Peace Service experts who are active in the region and for a large number of local, predominantly church-based partner organisations.

You will actively network the players participating in the programme with one another and with regional and international organisations involved in peace and conflict work. You will have organisational ties with the Episcopal Justitia et Pax Commission of Burundi in Bujumbura. You will interact regularly with other regional CPS coordinators placed by AGEH.

30% of your work will involve acting as advisor to the national Justitia et Pax Commission of Burundi with regard to strengthening the organisation and supporting the democracy promotion programme.

Your profile:

You are a political scientist, sociologist or ethnologist with several years of professional experience.

You have knowledge of and experience in the fields of peace and reconciliation work, organisational development, and programme and project management.

With your diplomatic and communicative approach, you assume a leadership role in order to achieve the work objectives that you set together with your team.

You are capable of strategic and creative action in complex situations.

You have a good regional knowledge of East Africa and intercultural skills, both of which enable you to work productively with local partners.

You are willing to travel extensively, frequently under basic conditions.

You have a very good written and spoken command of both German and French.

You are an EU or Swiss citizen and a member of a Christian Church.

What we offer:

We offer you the chance to undertake purposeful work in an intercultural and technically challenging environment, providing direct assistance to the poorer population of the region who are suffering from the after-effects of conflicts in the area. Bujumbura, where you will live and work, is suitable for families with children. You will have access to international-standard schools and adequate medical care.

Your employment is for a planned term of three years. You will be given extensive individual preparation for your work. In accordance with the German Development Worker Act (EhfG), you will receive an attractive three-year service contract including social security (also for family members, if applicable), a salary commensurate with the position, and support continuing your career (in Europe or further afield). Your family members will be actively included in preparations and taken into account when calculating your remuneration.

The Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH) is the specialist personnel agency of the German Catholics for development cooperation. For 50 years, we have selected professionals and provided them with training before, during and after their service assignments and taken responsibility for their insurance coverage. We place people in development organisations and projects in more than 60 countries.

If possible, please use our online application form at www.ageh.de.
Association for Development Cooperation (AGEH), PO Box 210128, 50527 Cologne, Germany