
Consultant - DMI Project Final Evaluation

Terms of Reference for a Consultancy “Final evaluation of the DMI livestock Project”



The Turkana-Pokot Drought Management Initiative (DMI) Project: Mitigating the impacts of climate shocks in
livestock based livelihoods is a project being implemented in Kenya. It covers the greater Turkana districts
(Turkana North, Turkana West, Loima, Turkana Central, Turkana South and Turkana East); Pokot North and
Pokot Central in Pokot County; Pokot East in Baringo County; and Samburu Central and Samburu North in
Samburu County.

The overall objective of the project is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the drought management in
Kenya by strengthening the capacity to intervene in an appropriate, effective and timely fashion before and
during the drought cycle. Specifically the project is intended to build the capacity of the local communities in
Turkana and Pokot to proactively address their own needs in relation to improved disaster preparedness and

The project targets, principally, the pastoralist communities identified as being highly vulnerable to resources
based conflicts and drought induced poverty with insufficient access to adequate grazing or water for both
household and livestock which exacerbate risks associated with highly food insecure situation. The project
also targets former pastoralists who have dropped out of pastoral livelihoods. At secondary level,
beneficiaries include international NGOs within the project area, the District Steering Groups, Arid Land
Resources Management Programme, among other organizations in the project area.

At the inception, it was anticipated that 120,000 people will directly benefit from through:
1. Increased sustainable access to dry season grazing and water through provision of water and minimized inter-community conflicts;
2. Protection of key livelihood assets through privatized support systems and alternative sources of income;
3. Improved community based drought preparedness and harmonization of approaches for key
stakeholders; and,
4. Improved conflict mitigation and peace building.

This project is being implemented as a joint collaborative activity involving 5 partners,
1. Veterinaires Sans Frontieres (VSF) – Belgium as the lead agency
2. Veterinaires Sans Frontieres (VSF) – Germany
4. ACTED – Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
5. Practical Action

In order to successfully implement this project, the partners are using 4 participatory approaches, which are:
1. The Village Land Use Planning – through the formation and training of Village Land Use Planning
2. Pastoral Field Schools;
3. Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs);
4. Village Community Banking (VICOBA)

Objective of the consultancy

The VSF’s consortium under DMI has received the funds to conduct a final evaluation of DMI through
consultancy. The objective of this consultancy is to review the interventions of the consortium in the area of
implementation. It is expected to help identify successful activities that can be replicated; point out the gaps
that need to be full filed and list new actions that can be initiated in the new phase.


The consultancy will cover each of the areas of intervention of each partner: (ACTED, OXFAM, Pratical
Action, VSF-G and VSF-B,) namely:
• Turkana districts (Turkana North, Turkana West, Loima, Turkana Central, Turkana South and
Turkana East);
• Pokot North and Pokot Central in Pokot County; Pokot East in Baringo County;
• Samburu Central and Samburu North in Samburu County.


• The whole consultancy is expected to take 30 days: 2 days preparation in Nairobi, 21 days in the
field locations (one week per location), 7 days final reporting in Nairobi
• It should take place during the months of April - May 2010.

Key Activities

• Prepare a detailed work plan for the consultancy which outlines the methodology to be used and
present to the VSF consortium for approval.
• Review existing related literature.
• In each of the project locations, gather all relevant information from communities, local authorities
and other humanitarian/development actors.
• Present preliminary findings to area authorities and other humanitarian/development partners at the
end of the fieldwork.
• Prepare a detailed draft report and debrief the VSF consortium in Nairobi on the main findings,
making a power point presentation.


• The consultant will draft a detailed methodology and work plan for the studies.
• A participatory approach will be expected with maximum stakeholder participation and appropriate
involvement of local traditional and government leadership at all stages.
• The whole mission is not expected to take more than 30 days.


• Presentation of methodology and workplan to the VSF consortium.
• One feedback workshops at Nairobi level for the project partners
• One final report


A detailed final report inclusive of a separate two page summary will be presented to the VSF-B Regional
Director. The entire report and the proposal will be presented in English and will remain the property of the
VSF consortium. A hard copy and a soft copy must be submitted.
A draft documents (report and proposal) will be expected seven (7) days after the end of the field mission
and the final report is expected 5 days after the comments from the VSF consortium.
The contents of the report shall be as follows:
• Executive summary (covering major findings and recommendations).
• Background.
• Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
• Literature review
• Findings/results
• Discussion
• Challenges
• Recommendations
• Conclusions
• Annexes covering Terms of Reference, abbreviations, data collection formats and questionnaires
used references, graphs, tables, etc.).


The DMI Project Manager will:
• Have overall responsibility and accountability for the mission,
• Ensure the overall coordination of the mission in conjunction with the project partners.
VSF Belgium and it partners will organize the logistic of the mission, and cover the transportation and
accommodation costs of the consultant while in the field locations.


The consultant is expected to have the following attributes:
Minimum five years experience working with drought affected pastoral communities.
Minimum five years experience in participatory monitoring and evaluation of livelihood related programs
A minimum of a Masters level of study (M. Sc. or M.A. degree), particularly in natural resources
management, livestock production , agriculture and/or education is a must
Someone with a Ph. D level is a definite advantage but emphasis is on relevant experience.
Livestock health and/or production background.
Excellent inter-personal, facilitation and writing skills.
Excellent computer literacy.
Ability to travel in extremely rough terrain in north-western Kenya a condition
How to apply
Contact Information

Interested expert(s) should submit proposals indicating relevant qualifications and experience as well as a
detailed execution plan. They should also indicate daily consultancy rates and possible starting dates. The
proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be sent electronically to