

Dhaka 78334 US$ p.a. plus benefits

Partners in Population and Development (PPD- www.partners-popdev.org ), an intergovernmental alliance of 25 developing countries seeks to assist each other and other developing countries in addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights, including family planning and HIV/AIDS through South-South collaboration. PPD’s key strategies include senior level advocacy and policy dialogue, capacity building, sharing experiences and good practices and building strategic partnerships.

PPD is a Permanent Observer at the United Nations and has diplomatic status in Bangladesh. Apart from its Secretariat located in Dhaka, PPD has an Africa Regional Office in Kampala, Uganda and a programme office in China.

The Deputy Executive Director will be directly responsible for day to day operations including identification of needs of member countries, preparation of innovative project proposals to address needs, sourcing of funds and satisfactory project management within the overarching framework of PPD’s Strategic Plan. He/she would also support the Executive Director in mobilizing political and financial commitments, raising awareness about South-South collaboration and representing PPD in international fora.

Minimum qualifications for the position include a Master’s degree in Public Health/ Reproductive Health or similar (health related) development area and 10 years of professional experience in reproductive health including 3 years in low and middle income countries. Successful candidates are likely to have an outstanding track record of managing multicountry projects with a wide range of stakeholders from varied cultural settings; sound understanding of reproductive health related issues and excellent communication skills in English and French .

The position is open only to citizens of PPD member countries. The appointment is for an initial period of two years, renewable by mutual agreement.

Interested candidates should send a detailed CV no later than March 26, 2011 to:

Mr. S. Basavaraj
Managing Director
MSG Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
A-280 (LGF), New Friends Colony
New Delhi – 110025
Email: msg@msg.net.in