
Tracer Study and Program Evaluation Consultancy African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF) Program

Terms of Reference


The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a pan-African, non-profit, non-governmental international organization committed to conducting policy-relevant research on population, health and education issues in sub-Saharan Africa. The Center was established in 1995 as a program of the Population Council and became an autonomous research institute in 2001.

In addition to conducting research, APHRC also has a mandate to promote the use of research evidence in policy and practice, and strengthen the capacity of African scholars and institutions to conduct research and undertake policy analysis.

Since 2008, APHRC has implemented the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF) program with support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Ford oundation (2008-2010). The ADDRF program aims to enhance the quality of African students’ dissertation research by strengthening their
research skills and capacity to engage in rigorous research. The program is in tandem with the Center’s commitment to contribute to improving doctoral training at African universities as articulated in the Center’s 2007-2011 Strategic Plan.

ADDRF Program Objectives

General Program Objective

To enhance the quality of African students’ dissertation research by strengthening their research skills and ability capacity to engage in rigorous research

Specific Program Objectives

The specific objectives of the ADDRF program are;

  • To facilitate more rigorous engagement of doctoral students in research addressing governance, equity, health or population related issues in Africa;
  • To provide the fellows an opportunity for timely completion of their doctoral training; and
  • To strengthen doctoral students’ research skills by providing training in research methodology and scientific writing.

The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess progress in the achievement of the objectives of the ADDRF program. The evaluation is also expected to identify best practices, threats to, as well as lessons for ensuring the sustainability of the fellowship program.

Specific Evaluation objectives

The specific objectives are to;

  • Conduct a tracer study of ADDRF Fellows with a view to identifying where they are currently, what they are doing, and the general and specific impacts of the program on their professional progress and development.
  • Assess the relevance of the ADDRF program and the strategies and methodologies used in its implementation vis-à-vis other frameworks
  • Assess the efficiency of implementation of the program’s activities in achieving the set objectives
  • Assess the sustainability of changes and outcomes achieved through the program’s support to the Fellows
  • Identify key processes and factors that influenced performance of the program with regard to relevance, effectiveness, outcomes and sustainability of the program’s interventions.
  • Identify, interpret and document lessons learnt and good practices from implementation of the ADDRF program interventions
  • Make recommendations for improving the strategic responses and performance of the ADDRF program interventions.

Design and scope

This consultancy is to perform a tracer study of the ADDRF fellows as well as an evaluation of the ADDRF program.

Key Tasks: The key tasks for this consultancy that will be done, to ensure that the consultants/firm will achieve the above will be to:

  • Develop an inception report detailing among other things; the process and methodologies to be employed to achieve the objective of this consultancy as stated above. It should include the interview schedules, and important time schedules for this exercise, and present to APHRC for review and further inputs.
  • Undertake desk review of relevant program documents
  • Design data collection methodology.
  • Conduct a comprehensive field based program evaluation using both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
  • Carry out data collection, entry, cleaning and analysis and write up the evaluation report.
  • Present the draft report to APHRC for first review before producing a second draft.
  • Present a draft report (2nd draft report) to APHRC.
  • Submit a Final Evaluation report as stated in the Consultancy Contract.

Key deliverables

  1. A comprehensive evaluation report based on objectives of the proposed evaluation as explained above
  2. The consultants will also be required to submit to APHRC all study materials including:
  • Soft copies of all data sets both quantitative and qualitative.
  • All filled quantitative data collection tools and qualitative data recording materials.
  • Any other non-consumable documents/items that will be used in the course of the planned consultancy.

Proprietary Right

The report(s) generated as result of this evaluation will remain the property of APHRC. No portion of the report(s) shall be reproduced except with the permission of APHRC

Duration of the Consultancy

APHRC anticipates all the evaluation processes and tasks will take not more than One Hundred and Sixty (160) days with effect from May 31, 2011.

The Consultant/Consultancy firm should develop a feasible and costed work plan/activity schedule covering a maximum of One Hundred and Twenty (120) days and submit as an integral part to the technical proposal for this consultancy.

The successful bidder must commit to accomplish and deliver the consultancy services and deliverables before or on December 31 2011 by close of business.

Requirements and Qualification for the Evaluation

To successfully undertake this assignment, the lead consultant should meet the following minimum requirements;

  • Academic background in Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Management, or/and Social Sciences with a minimum of PhD qualification.
  • Vast experience in management of Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships
  • Demonstrate capacity in management of partnerships or strategic alliances.
  • Experience in using a range of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods.
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills.
  • Demonstrate capacity to deliver high quality evaluation outputs within the proposed timeframe.
  • Proficiency in use of computers, especially latest word processing packages and SPSS.

Contractual Responsibilities

The Consultant

The consultant in consultation with APHRC and other stakeholders will be responsible for the following:

  • Prepare and deliver the consultancy services as per this TOR through effective methodologies.
  • Review the ADDRF program and other relevant documents.
  • Responsible to pay the evaluation team and carrying out of the evaluation.
  • Obtain maximum input from major stakeholders such as the program participants, staff and other stakeholders.
  • Write and present a draft (for review by APHRC) and final report to APHRC.


The consultant will be responsible to the Head of the Research Capacity Building Unit at APHRC, who will provide all necessary program documents for review.

Expression of Interest/Quotation Requirements

The firm that meets the above requirements and is available within the time period indicated above should submit the following:

  • Technical proposal and Capability statement of the firm and the specific consultant(s) who will undertake this assignment, including a commitment to be available to undertake the entire assignment within stated timelines.
  • An elaborate methodology and detailed costed and clear work plan on how the evaluation will be carried out. Include and elaborate on the tools to be used. Link the skills and knowledge of specific consultancy team members to the administration of tools specified herein. Propose a valid sampling method for data collection for the evaluation. Propose a process/structure for validating results of the evaluation with implementing partners.
  • Financial proposal that should include:
  1. An itemized line by line budget proposal for consultancy fees as well as administrative costs such as travel, accommodation, meals and stationery.
  2. Proposed terms and schedule of payment.
  3. Curriculum vitae for all the consultants and proposed complementary staff.
  4. Names, addresses, telephone numbers of three organizations that will act as reference
  5. Copies of relevant work undertaken in the last 3 years.
  6. Copy of registration certificate, VAT and PIN.
  7. Full names, post office box, telephone numbers, email address, physical address and contact person of the consultancy firm.

Tender Requirement

Please submit your expression of interest and proposal in a sealed envelope marked Tender for the Evaluation of the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship Program and addressed to:

The Human Resources Officer
African Population and Health Research Centre
Shelter Afrique Centre, 2nd Floor
Longonot Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 10787 – 00100

Expression of interest must reach the above address not later than April 22, 2011.