

Office of DVC - AAThe successful candidate should be prepared to assume office as soon as possible after appointment.
vacancy no: DVC 1/2012closing date: 20/08/2012

The University of Botswana was established in 1982 and currently has a staff complement of 2 500, of which 800 are academic staff. The student enrolment is 15 000 in the Faculties of Business, Education, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science and Social Sciences. The University has a constituent college, the Botswana College of Agriculture, through which it offers degree programs in the Faculty of Agriculture. There are 1,200 graduate students in the School of Graduate Studies, and in addition, the University has a Centre for Continuing Education, a Centre for Academic Development, a Directorate of Research and Development, the Okavango Research Institute, and a number of specialized academic Centres. There are also a number of Affiliated Institutions that include five (5) Colleges of Education and eight (8) Institutes of Health Sciences. The Council of the University of Botswana invites applications from suitably qualified individuals for the post of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs). The initial contract shall be for a term not exceeding five (5) years. The contract may be renewed by the University Council for another term not exceeding five (5) years.

Duties: Reporting to the Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) provides leadership in the formulation and implementation of academic policies and plans; oversees the efficient implementation of teaching, research and service by academic staff in various Faculties, Schools, Institutes, Centres and Departments; develops and reviews academic programs and the overall direction of academic support services. The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) is also responsible for international education and partnerships; and represents the University in the wider community.

Requirements: Applicants should have: • Attained at least the rank of Associate Professor. • An excellent record of scholarship, teaching and service that is commensurate with their rank. • A broad knowledge of higher education and university systems. • A minimum of six (6) years’ experience in university management at the level of Dean of a Faculty or equivalent. • Ability to develop an academic vision and direction for the institution. • Ability to interpret and promote the University’s vision and mission. • Ability and experience to stimulate and encourage new ideas and developments. • Capacity to influence, persuade, build coalitions and networks. • Ability to develop harmonious relations between academic departments, faculties and directorates within the division, and with the non-academic divisions of the University. • Capacity to oversee the development and implementation of policy on a University-wide basis. • Ability and experience to work effectively as a member of the Executive Management Team. • Ability and experience in mobilizing funding for research and teaching innovations. • Strong human relations, management, negotiation, public relations and communication skills. • Ability and experience in using information technology in an academic and administrative environment.

Remuneration: The remuneration package for the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) includes an attractive salary, entertainment allowance, use of official car, furnished official housing or 20% of basic salary as housing allowance; 50% subsidy for water and electricity consumption charges; telephone rental and usage subsidy; subsidized medical aid; free tuition for the employee’s spouse and up to three (3) dependent children on only one program each offered by the University but not at its affiliated or associated institutions; and 30 working days leave per annum. Additional benefits include gratuity for employees who are not on pensionable terms of employment with the University of Botswana. A successful candidate who is employed on pensionable terms by the University of Botswana would continue to be a member of the University’s Pension Fund, and would not receive gratuity.

How To Apply: Letters of applications are to address the stated qualifications and provide any other information to assist the University to determine your suitability for the position. You should quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide current C.Vs (including telephone, telex and telefax numbers and e-mail), certified true copies of educational certificates, transcripts and names and addresses of three referees. Send your application to:

The Secretary to Council

University of Botswana

Private Bag 0022



Enquiries must be directed to the Office of The Secretary to Council at

Fax No. (267) 397 4951 or Telephone No. (267) 355 2998/355 2154 or by

email to fanido@mopipi.ub.bw.

Applicants should inform their referees to (i) Quote the Vacancy Number(s) and Position(s) applied for and (ii) submit their references directly to the above address, before the stipulated closing date.

Click here to apply online

Please note that applications with incomplete information shall not be acknowledged