
Individual Consultants to Undertake the In-depth Analysis on Various Thematic Areas for the Kenya Population and Housing Census Data

Expressions of Interest for Individual Consultants to Undertake the In-depth Analysis on Various Thematic Areas for the Kenya Population and Housing Census Data

The Government of Kenya, through the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, successfully held its fifth decennial census in August, 2009. Preliminary results – presented in four (4) volumes – were launched on 31st of August, 2010. The books can be requested and/or purchased at KNBS Library in Herufi House.

A summary of the results, including the presentation made by the Minister of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 during the launching ceremony, can be downloaded from KNBS website
www.knbs.or.ke/Census Results/Presentation by Minister for Planning revised.pdf.

The Bureau is now embarking on the in-depth analytical process to produce various thematic reports based on the 2009 Census data. The reports will fill various information gaps and play a critical role in facilitating national development activities and administrative and political decision-making at all levels.

In this respect, the KNBS is now requesting interested and qualified persons to submit Expression of Interest for consideration to undertake this task. The task requires at least a master’s degree in demography, statistics or economics and/or 10 years research or data analysis experience in the field of population and other social sciences.

The task execution will run continuously for an estimated period of forty-five (45) days, starting late April 2011.

Competitive remuneration or consultancy fee commensurate with the task load will be provided. Further details regarding qualifications, contents of the proposal, specific tasks/requirements, and the thematic areas can be downloaded from KNBS website ; www.knbs.or.ke/Proposals/CENSUS INDEPTH ANALYSIS.html.

Three copies of Expression of Interest bundles should be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly labeled “CENSUS INDEPTH ANALYSIS” addressed and sent to

The Director General,

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics,

P.O. Box 30266-00100,


to reach him not later than 6th April, 2011.

F.M.K Ayiera
For Director General