

The Training and Mobility Network for the Economic Analysis of Conflict (TAMNEAC) is recruiting

Early Stage Researchers (ESR) and
Experienced Researchers (ER) in Development Economics

The TAMNEAC project analyses the drivers, forms and socio-economic consequences of various types of mass violent conflict, including war, from an economic perspective, as well as the risk management strategies of individuals and households to cope with conflict. The project is funded by the European Commission's Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.

The available positions are based at:

  • German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany (2 ESR, 1 ER)
    Tilman Brück
  • Institute of Development Studies, UK (2 ESR)
    Patricia Justino
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (2 ESR)
    Philip Verwimp
  • Oxford Policy Management, UK (1 ESR )
    Stephen Jones
  • PlaNet Guarantee, France (1 ESR)
    Sabrina Régent
  • Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC), Spain (1 ESR)
    Joan Esteban
  • Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway (1 ESR)
    Henrik Urdal
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (1 ER)
    Harald von Witzke

The positions are available from autumn 2011 for a duration of three or two years for ESR and ER, respectively, with a competitive salary according to EU regulations. The network provides an excellent opportunity for scientific and personal development, with regular training events and secondments in Europe and conflict-affected countries around the world.

For further information on requirements, deadlines and research projects, please visit www.diw.de/tamneac.