Vacancy Ref.: | 10001128 |
Closing date: | 1/31/2012 |
Department: | PEACE AND SECURITY |
Post Level | P5 |
Job Category | Social Sciences |
Immdiate Supervisor | Director for Peace and Security |
Duty Station | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
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TheAfrican Union, established as a unique Pan African continental body, is chargedwith spearheading Africa’s rapid integration and sustainable development bypromoting unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples ofAfrica and African States as well as developing a New Partnership worldwide.Its Headquarters is located at Addis Ababa, capital city of Ethiopia.
In seeking to achieve these objectives, the African Union intends tostrengthen its capacity to deliver, by amongst others, the implementation ofits organization structure and the filling of all vacant posts.
The Commission ofthe African Union invites applicants who are citizens of Member States for theposition of Head of Conflict ManagementDivision.
1. Post:
Job title: Headof Conflict Management Division
Post level: P5
Department: Departmentfor Peace and Security
Supervisor: Director for Peace and Security
Duty Station: Addis Ababa
2. Major duties and responsibilities:
a. To monitor political and related developments on the continent inorder to advise the leadership of the Peace and Security Department on strategicaction and initiatives designed to prevent situations of tension in orinvolving AU Member States and propose appropriate policies and methods forhandling conflicts;
b. To ensure implementation and follow-up on decisions of the Peace andSecurity Council and keep the Chairperson of the Commission, the Commissionerfor Peace and Security and the Director, informed of all developments relatedto peace and security initiatives for consideration and appropriate action;
c. To ensure the preparation of comprehensive periodic reports anddocuments as may be required to enable the leadership of the Commission, Peaceand Security Council and its subsidiary bodies to perform their functions asprovided for in the Protocol of the Peace and Security Council effectively;
d. To coordinate resource mobilization strategies with the Director,Peace and Security Department and ensure that all programmes for capacitybuilding are implemented steadily and successfully;
e. To manage and supervise the day-to-day activities in the planning ofwork programme of Officers and Consultants in the Division;
f. To draft statements, speeches, and communiqués for the leadership of the Commission as may be required;
g. To oversee and coordinate outreach programmes and publications withinthe Department;
3. EducationalQualifications Required:
Candidates must have at least an Advanced Degree in Political Science,International Relations or any related Social Sciences.
4. Work ExperienceRequired:
Candidates must have at least 10 years of progressive experience workingin International Relations, Security and Humanitarian activities and mediationand negotiation forums of which at least 5 years should be at middle managementlevel.
5. OtherRelevant Skills Required:
· Computer literacy;
· Excellent knowledge of data analysis and programme/project management;
· Management experience, excellent interpersonal skills and ability toorganize and motivate others and to work in a multi-cultural environment;
· Excellent drafting and reporting skills;
· Good communication and negotiating skills;
· Good planning and organizational skills.
· Must have the ability to mediate successfully in conflict situations.
· Must have the ability to effectively manage and direct the work of teamsof professional, senior and experienced officers.
6. Language requirement:
Proficiency in one of the African Union working languages. Knowledge ofone or several other working languages would be an added advantage.
7. Age requirement:
candidates must preferably bebetween 35 and 50 years old.
8. Tenure of Appointment:
The appointment will be madeon a fixed term contract for a period of three (3) years, of which the firsttwelve months will be considered as a probationary period. Thereafter, the contractwill be for a period of two years renewable, subject to satisfactoryperformance.
9. Gender Mainstreaming:
The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified womenare strongly encouraged to apply.
10. Application:
To apply, please submit thefollowing:
a. Aletter stating reasons for seeking employment with the African UnionCommission.
b. Adetailed and updated CV, indicating your nationality, age and gender.
c. Namesand contact details (including e-mail address) of three references.
d. Certifiedcopies of degrees and diplomas.
11. Remuneration: Indicative basic salary of US$ 45,551.00 per annum plus otherrelated entitlements e.g. post adjustment (46% of basic salary), housingallowance (US$16,819.00 per annum), and education allowance (75% of tuition andother education related expenses for every eligible dependent up to a maximumof US$7,800.00 per child per annum) for internationally recruited staff of theCommission.
Theapplications must be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website http://www.aucareers.orgnot later than January 31,2012.
Directorateof Administration and Human Resource Management
AfricanUnion Commission
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