
Program Management Advisor (f/m) ENTSO-E

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

Brussels, Belgium

General position description

As one of the Advisors in the market section of the ENTSO-E Secretariat, the Program Management Advisor cooperates in particular with the Senior Market Network Code Advisor and the Market Advisor under the coordination of the Manager Market. He/she will also work closely with the other sections in the Secretariat. Responsibilities focus on the decisions in the Market Committee on regional and pan-European electricity market integration. Significant travel may be required.

Specific responsibilities

Support and leadership functions for external representation, meetings, position papers, network codes, for several ENTSO-E Bodies and groups. The particular responsibilities may evolve over time.

Current tasks:

  • Follow-up the implementation of the four cross-regional road maps aiming to implement the target model for capacity allocation and congestion management across Europe by 2014, and coordinate the preparation of ENTSO-E inputs to ACER’s AESAG group and other relevant fora such as the Florence Forum
  • Coordinate the discussions with the power exchange association EuroPEX on the design and implementation of interim and enduring solutions for Europe-wide intraday electricity trading, set up required work structures, and adequately involve regional projects
  • Coordinate the European day-ahead market integration processes e.g. validation of the day-head market coupling algorithm, ensuring adequate information and participation of all ENTSO-E members
  • Ensure the required 2-way communication between the regional implementation projects and the formal network code work development in market integration issues
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Market Committee meetings, in cooperation with the other staff of the market section, incl. preparing agendas, session files, presentations, decisions and draft minutes
  • Interactions with European regulators and their agency ACER, with the European Commission, at times with Members of the European Parliament, and with other stakeholders
  • Qualifications, skills and experience
  • University degree in engineering or economics or MBA
  • 5 years relevant work experience in the energy sector
  • Proven expertise with European electricity market integration, e.g. market design, integration of financial and physical power markets, congestion management, balancing mechanisms, incentive regulation of transmission pricing, renewable energy integration
  • Excellent skills and a strong interest in communication, for cooperating within and across the Secretariat sections, for supporting members in the working groups and facilitating consensus, and for explaining to EC, ACER, power exchanges, stakeholders, politicians and the public work products and positions of the TSOs; excellent writing and presentation skills in English
  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects, organize resources and establish priorities
  • Ability to learn fast and work in a diverse team
  • Diversified international expertise in the electricity industry is a plus

Please address your complete electronic application consisting of a cover letter and curriculum vitae to arnaud.scaramanga@entsoe.eu by 16 January 2012.

Your contact for this opening is
Arnaud Scaramanga
Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100
1000 Brussels. Belgium